World AIDS Day

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The red ribbon is the symbol of solidarity with HIV-positive people worldwide.

The World AIDS Day is held annually by the Joint United Nations Program on HIV / AIDS organized (UNAIDS) and will take place on December 1 instead.


World AIDS Day was proclaimed for the first time in 1988 by the World Health Organization (WHO) and from the start it was given a special motto by which the activities of AIDS organizations in the various countries can be oriented. World AIDS Day has been organized by UNAIDS since 1996.

On December 1st, various organizations around the globe will commemorate the topic of AIDS and call for people to take action and show solidarity with those infected with HIV, those suffering from AIDS and those close to them. World AIDS Day also serves  to remind those responsible in politics , the mass media , business and society - worldwide as well as in Europe and Germany - that the HIV / AIDS pandemic continues.

For the years 2005 to 2010 the international World AIDS Day motto was "Stop AIDS: Keep the Promise". It was intended to remind politicians around the world of the pledge they made at the United Nations Special Session on HIV / AIDS in June 2001 to engage more nationally and internationally in the fight against the global HIV / AIDS pandemic.

World AIDS Day in Germany

The Federal Center for Health Education (BZgA), the German AIDS Aid (DAH) and the German AIDS Foundation (DAS) have, as part of their joint World AIDS Day campaign, the international motto in “Together against AIDS: We take responsibility - for ourselves and others ”translated. This is to express that not only politics, but each individual bears responsibility for themselves and others - and that at the same time something can only be achieved in the fight against HIV and AIDS and for people's life and health . As ambassadors for World AIDS Day, celebrities such as Philipp Lahm , Anni Friesinger and Christiane Paul try to sensitize the population to the topic. Samy Deluxe held a benefit concert in Munich on December 1st, 2009.

On December 1, 2013, the longest AIDS ribbon in the world at 1.5 kilometers was laid out around the Regensburg Cathedral . This had previously been knitted in individual parts by volunteers from all over Germany and Greece from red wool .

In 2016 the motto was like u. a. already in the previous year: "Live positively together!"

Mottos of the previous World AIDS Days

  • 1988: "Join the Worldwide Efforts"
  • 1989: "Our life, our world - let's take care of each other"
  • 1990: "Women and AIDS - Fits like a fist on the eye"
  • 1991: "Taking on the challenge together"
  • 1992: "A social obligation"
  • 1993: "Time to act"
  • 1994: "Families take care"
  • 1995: "Common rights, common responsibility"
  • 1996: "One World - One Hope"
  • 1997: "Children in a world with AIDS"
  • 1998: "Impulses for Change - World AIDS Campaign with Young People"
  • 1999: "Listening to one another, learning from one another, living together - World AIDS campaign with children and young people"
  • 2000: "AIDS: Men face responsibility"
  • 2001: "AIDS - that concerns me ... you too?"
  • 2002: "memorable / exclusion makes you sick"
  • 2003: "Live and let live / ward off exclusion"
  • 2004: "Women, Girls, HIV and AIDS"
  • 2005: "Fight AIDS, keep the promise!"; in Germany “Together against AIDS. We take responsibility - for ourselves and others ”; internationally also “Stop AIDS. Keep the Promise. "
  • 2006 to 2010: “Together against AIDS. We take responsibility - for ourselves and others "
  • 2011, 2014: "Live positively together - but safely!"
  • 2012, 2013, 2015 to 2017: "Live positively together!"
  • 2018, 2019: “Do you have HIV? I can't handle that. Delete the prejudices. "
  • 2020: Living with HIV - different than you think

Web links

Commons : World AIDS Day  - collection of images

Individual evidence

  1. Michael Hopper: World record in Regensburg: Longest knitted AIDS ribbon in the world! In: Wochenblatt Verlagsgruppe , December 1, 2013, accessed November 27, 2016 .
  2. Live positively together - December 1st is World AIDS Day. In: Federal Center for Health Education (BZgA), accessed on November 27, 2016 .