Werner Boy

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Werner Boy (born May 4, 1879 in Barmen ; † September 6, 1914 , near Vitry-le-François ) was a German mathematician and discoverer of the Boyian surface named after him , an immersion of the real projective plane in three-dimensional space. He found this in 1901 after his doctoral supervisor David Hilbert had instructed him to prove the impossibility of this immersion. Boy was able to make several drawings of this surface and discovered its possible threefold rotational symmetry , but could not find a parametric representation for it. It was not until 1978 that Bernard Morin found a computer-aided parameterization.

After completing his dissertation in 1901 and taking the state examination in 1902, Boy did a year of military service, then he completed a year of seminars at the municipal high school in Bonn and a year of probation at the Royal Prussian High School in St. Johann-Saarbrücken . After all, Boy worked as a senior teacher, from 1905 to 1909 at the Oberrealschule in Krefeld , and then at the Realgymnasium in his hometown of Barmen (now part of Wuppertal ). He died as a soldier in the first few weeks of the First World War near Vitry-le-François .


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