Werner Hudelmaier

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Werner Hudelmaier , (born June 3, 1940 in Pforzheim ) is a CDU politician from Baden-Württemberg . From 1989 to 2005 he was district administrator of the Rastatt district .


The son of a freelance architect grew up in Dobel / Black Forest , where he attended elementary school from 1946. He passed his Abitur in 1960 at the secondary school in Neuenbürg / Enz. From 1960 he studied civil engineering and surveying at the University of Karlsruhe and graduated in 1967 as a graduate engineer. Since completing his intermediate diploma, he has worked as an assistant to Gadso Lammers at the Institute for Urban Development and Regional Planning. He wrote his diploma thesis on the subject of "Urban planning analysis of the planning of the Waldstadt expansion of the Karlsruhe City Planning Office and the resulting own planning alternatives" at the chair for urban and regional planning.

From 1967, the year he married Karina Heuer, Hudelmaier was a research assistant in the office for urban planning and civil engineering of Professors Gadso Lammers and Edmund Gassner in Poppelsdorfer Allee in Bonn until 1971 . The development and construction of the new town of Meckenheim near Bonn was one of the focal points of his work and provided impetus for his later dissertation. From 1971 to 1976 Hudelmaier was a lecturer at the Institute for Urban Development and Regional Planning at the University of Karlsruhe. He received his doctorate from the faculty there in 1976 with his thesis on the subject of "development process, building land production costs and land price policy" as a Dr.-Ing.

In 1976 the municipal council of the large district town of Rastatt elected Werner Hudelmaier as alderman with the title “ Mayor ” and responsible for the planning and construction area, the green areas and the forest. In 1984 the local council confirmed him for a further eight-year term. In the same year Werner Hudelmaier was elected by the citizens of the city to the district council of the Rastatt district. Werner Hudelmaier has been a member of the CDU since 1975 and belonged to the CDU district parliamentary group.

In 1989 Werner Hudelmaier was elected by the district council for eight years as district administrator of the Rastatt district. In the third ballot he got a majority of one vote. He was elected for a second term in 1997 with a large majority. During his term of office, the district and the participating municipalities merged with the Karlsruhe Transport Association, and with it the S-Bahn development of the Murg Valley to Forbach / Freudenstadt and the Rhine Valley to Bühl / Achern. By mutual agreement with the Lord Mayor of Baden-Baden , Sigrun Lang , all hospitals and care facilities in the Rastatt district and the Baden-Baden district were combined to form the Mittelbaden Municipal Hospital . Hudelmaier was one of the proponents of a conversion of the former NATO airfield Söllingen into a regional airport, which was implemented in partnership with the state of Baden-Württemberg and a regional communal community . The district's current waste management company and the district administration located in a new building in Rastatt are further examples that characterize his 16-year term in office. Hudelmaier retired in 2005 due to age.

A daughter was born in 1969 and a son in 1973.



  • Harald Besinger: Farewell after 16 years. District Administrator Dr. Werner Hudelmaier. , Heimatbuch 2005, Rastatt district. Publisher of the Rastatt district
  • A motor for light rail and airport , press article from October 24, 2009, shown in the press service of the Rastatt district office
  • Welcome address by the District Administrator on the occasion of the award of the Federal Cross of Merit to District Administrator a. D. Dr. Werner Hudelmaier on October 22, 2009
  • Speech by Interior Minister Rech, MdL, on the occasion of the presentation of the Federal Cross of Merit on ribbon to District Administrator a. D. Dr. Werner Hudelmaier in Rastatt on October 22nd
  • Application for the award of the Order of Merit of the Federal Republic of Germany (to Dr. Werner Hudelmaier) by District Administrator Jürgen Bäuerle, April 9, 2008.

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