Werner Renfer

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Werner Renfer (born June 16, 1898 in Corgémont , † March 27, 1936 in Saint-Imier ) was a French-speaking Swiss writer .


Renfer grew up on a farm. After finishing school he stayed in the south of France before he began studying to become an agronomist at ETH Zurich . He broke off his studies, ran off to France with his wife to become an artist in Paris in the 1920s, which failed miserably. After resuming his studies in Zurich, he finally joined the editorial team of the local newspaper in Saint-Imier, Le Jura bernois . On the side he tried to write literary and culturally animate the remote Vallon de Saint-Imier . He also wrote for other publications in the Bernese Jura : Paysan jurassien , La Patrie suisse , Lectures du foyer , Reflets and the revue transjurane .

In 1933 he wanted to enforce literary success and brought three volumes to print, the novel Hannebarde , the volume of short stories La beauté du monde and the volume of poetry La tentation de l'aventure . Renfer died of exhaustion in 1936 when he was 38 years old.

Works (selection)


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