Werner Riebel

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Werner Riebel (born May 31, 1937 ) is a former German university professor and sports official .

Riebel grew up as the son of a master baker in Schkölen in Thuringia and graduated from the home high school in Droyziger . In 1957 he began his five-year teacher training course, which was later followed by his doctorate B as a "Doctor of Science" ( Dr. sc. ) At the Friedrich Schiller University in Jena and he went through a regular scientific career as an assistant and lecturer . He became an associate professor in 1980 . In January 1989 he was appointed full professor at the Institute for Sports Science , to which he was a member until 1992. There he was Vice Rector for Education and Training.

Because of his membership in the SED and his often unyielding partiality as “Red Prorector” , he had to resign on November 12, 1989 as Prorector. Later, in the course of the university's renewal in 1990, his professorship was revoked. However, he was allowed to keep his title. Until his departure in 1992 he was responsible for the General Studies in Sport Science.

After initially athletics was his main focus of activity, he co-founded the women's football department of university sports in Jena as part of his sports science activity and led the club as a manager up to the women's Bundesliga . He was on the board of the FF USV Jena until 2016.

He co-organized the 2001 European Women's Football Championship and was awarded the DFB Merit Pin in 2007 .

Riebel was also involved in local politics for the PDS party and later Die Linke, and for many years was a city ​​councilor in Jena .

Riebel is married and has three children.

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Individual evidence

  1. a b c d e DFB merit pin for Professor Dr. Werner Riebel , tfv-erfurt.de , May 31, 2007, accessed on July 22, 2017.
  2. Arnd Krüger , Paul Kunath: The development of sports science in the Soviet zone and the GDR, in: W. BUSS, C. BECKER u. a. (Ed.): Sport in the Soviet Zone and the early GDR. Genesis - structures - conditions. Schorndorf: Hofmann 2001, 351 - 366. ISBN 978-3-7780-0909-3 .
  3. Jenaer Contributions to Sport, Issue 13, 2008, Hubert Brühl: Art in the new Dreifelderhalle, PDF file, p. 5 , accessed on July 22, 2017.
  4. Personnel changes on the board ffusvjena.de , July 25, 2016, accessed on July 22, 2017.
  5. Prof. Dr. Werner Riebel , thueringer-allgemeine.de , accessed on July 22, 2017.