Werner Ross

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Werner Ross (born January 27, 1912 in Uerdingen , † July 16, 2002 in Munich ) was a German publicist and literary critic .

Live and act

Werner Ross studied German, Romance languages ​​and philosophy in Bonn . There he received his doctorate in 1938 with a dissertation on "The Image of the Roman Empire in 19th Century French Literature". phil. PhD; his doctoral supervisor was Ernst Robert Curtius .

After graduating, he went to Italy as a lecturer for German scripts until he was drafted in 1942. In 1945 he became a high school teacher in Uerdingen, where he mainly taught German and French until 1951. In 1956 he took over the management of the German School in Rome . In 1964 he became director of the Goethe Institute in Munich . In 1972 he resigned because of differences of opinion with the Foreign Office . He then held an honorary professorship for comparative literary history at the University of Munich. From 1993 to 1996 he was President of the Free German Association of Authors (FDA).

Ross' best-known book is the Nietzsche biography The fearful eagle , which is widely read to this day and was published by the Deutsche Verlagsanstalt in 1980 .



  • The image of the Roman Empire in French literature of the 19th century , Pöppinghaus, Bochum-Langendreer 1938 (Diss. Phil. Bonn).
  • 1000 idiomatic Italian phrases , together with m. Herbert Frenzel , Berlin 1939
  • German in the competition of world languages , essay. 1971
  • The fearful eagle - Friedrich Nietzsche's life . Stuttgart 1980.
  • Written with the left hand - The German literature business . Osnabrück 1984.
  • The pen leading - writings from five decades Munich 1987.
  • Baudelaire and the modern age. Portrait of a turning point in Munich 1993.
  • The wild Nietzsche or The Return of Dionysus . Stuttgart 1994.
  • Lou Andreas-Salomé - companion of Nietzsche, Rilke, Freud . Berlin 1997.
  • Venetian promenade . Munich 1998.
  • Bohemians and Belle Epoque. When Munich shone . Munich 1997.
  • Dry late harvest. My life and my views . Munich 2003.

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