Wilhelm Evers (geographer)

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Wilhelm Friedrich Evers (born July 26, 1906 in Söhlde , Marienburg district; † July 18, 1983 in Isernhagen , Hanover district) was a German geographer and university professor.

Life and work

Youth, studies

Wilhelm Friedrich Evers attended the Realgymnasium in Hildesheim, which he left at Easter 1927 with the school leaving certificate. The start of the study was delayed by six months as a result of a serious sports accident. In the winter semester of 1927/28 he began studying philology in Göttingen. Here he became a member of the fraternity Hannovera , a student union in the German fraternity . After four semesters he changed universities: first he was in Heidelberg , then in Grenoble (France) and finally in Greifswald. During the semester break he worked regularly as a student trainee in the mining department of the Ilseder Hütte . During a trip on an ore freighter to Scandinavia, he had his first contact with Northern Europe, which he later expanded. He directed his studies more and more towards geography and geology. He remained closely connected to his homeland in Lower Saxony.

academic career

In Greifswald he was awarded a Dr. phil. with the dissertation "On the morphology of the Lower Saxon mountain and hill country". He was then given a position as a research assistant at the University of Greifswald. Several research trips took him to Scandinavia . In 1935 he did a year of military service as a volunteer. He then worked for a short time in the economic department of a daily newspaper. At the beginning of October 1936 he got the position of a scientific assistant at the Geographical Institute of the Technical University of Hanover . In the following years he was able to travel for several months as part of a Norwegian-German research project as a scholarship holder of a geographic society. a. to do on glaciers in Norway.


At the beginning of the Second World War he was drafted and was a member of the Government Council. B. in Luftgau XI (Hamburg, Denmark), then speaker in the "Luftgeo" group and was given leave in 1940 to complete his habilitation thesis and obtain the degree of Dr. phil. habil. to acquire. On May 1, 1944, he was transferred back to the front line.

University professor

In 1945 Wilhelm Evers was released from British captivity. In the summer semester of 1947 he resumed teaching as a private lecturer. In 1950 he was appointed adjunct professor and in 1967 scientific councilor and professor at the Geography Institute of the Technical University of Hanover.


In 1951 the Geographical Society of Finland (Suomen Maantieteellinen Seura) appointed Wilhelm Evers as its corresponding member.


Publications (selection)

  • Travel and research in Norway, Commission publisher Franz Leuwer, Bremen 1937/1938
  • Basics of a surface design in southern Norway with special consideration of the coastal platform (strandflate) and the submarine bank area, (habilitation thesis), Commission publisher Franz Leuwer, Bremen 1941
  • About the thermo-cryocinegraph (glacier clock) ZfI 1941, 10, 347-352
  • The daily rhythm of movement of glaciers, Zeitschrift für Instrumentenkunde 1941. No. 10, pp. 347–352
  • Geography, Berlin: Koetschau-Verlag, 1949
  • Suomi - Finland: Country and People in the Far North, Stuttgart: Franckh, 1950
  • Die Wüstungen des Hildesheimer Land, in: New Archive for Lower Saxony, Vol. 15, 1950, pp. 143–153
  • Place names and settlement areas in the middle of Ostfalen (between Leine and Fuhse). In: Reports on German Regional Studies, Volume 9. Published by the Office for Regional Studies. Hirzel, Stuttgart 1950-51, pp. 388-405
  • Profile and Block Formation, An Introduction to the Construction and Understanding of Topographical and Geological Maps, after the death of the author Georg Frebold, published by Wilhelm Evers, Braunschweig: Westermann, 1951
  • Glacier winds on Nigardsbre (southern Norway), in landscape and country, commemorative publication for Erich Obst on his 65th birthday, published by Kurt Kayser, Verlag des Amt für Landeskunde, Remagen 1951
  • Basic questions of settlement geography and cultural land research in Hildesheimer Land, with an outlook on some settlement geographic problems in Lower Saxony, Bremen-Horn: Dorn, 1957
  • Studies on the work and the last years of the ducal Brunswick and royal Danish court hunter Johann Georg von Langen. New archive for Lower Saxony 1957/58/3, Volume 9 (14), 232-238
  • The Saimaa Canal as an economic geography and economic policy problem, Journal of Economic Geography, Volume 2, 1958, pages 198-203
  • Saimaa Lake and Saimaa Canal as an example of a Finnish natural and cultural landscape, in: Geography in School, Volume 3, Number 11, 1959, pages 257-264
  • The Problem of coastal genesis with special reference to the "strandflat", the "banks" or "grounds", and "deep channels" of the Norvegian and Greenland coasts, The Journal of Geology, The University of Chicago Press, 1962
  • The district of Hildesheim-Marienburg, district of Hildesheim, Bremen-Horn: Dorn, 1964
  • Finland in the field of tension between East and West, geographical and economic-political-sociological aspects of the history of a people in Northern Europe. Series of publications by the Lower Saxony State Center for Political Education, Ostprobleme, Hanover 1969
  • The contribution of geography to state planning and state development. Oulun Yliopiston Maantieteen Laitoksen Julkaisuja. (Publicationes Instituti Geographici Universitatis Ouluensis, Volume 24), Oulu , Finland, 1969
  • Maantieteen osuus aluesuunnittelussa ja -kehityksessä (Finnish), seminar contribution Oulun kesäyliopisto Pohjola-2000 5. – 8. August 1968, Oulun yliopiston maantieteen laitos, Oulu 1969
  • Wilhelm Evers:  Langen, Johann Georg von. In: New German Biography (NDB). Volume 13, Duncker & Humblot, Berlin 1982, ISBN 3-428-00194-X , pp. 575-578 ( digitized version ).
  • Johann Georg von Langen - His life and work in the Harz and Weserbergland, in Denmark and Norway (lecture on the occasion of the conference of the Northwest German Forest Association on September 9, 1971 in Flensburg) in: Der Forst- und Holzwirt, 1971 (Issue 26), p. 478-482
  • News on the history of the pheasantry in Lower Saxony. A remarkable plan by the ducal Brunswick hunter HC von Carlowitz from the year 1749. New archive for Lower Saxony 1972, volume 21, 275-277
  • Geographical and regional explanations of the topographical map L 3926 Bad Salzdetfurth. In: German Landscapes. Geographical and regional explanations of topographic maps 1: 50,000 and sea maps 1: 50,000. Published by Manfred J. Müller and Armin Hüttermann on behalf of the German Academy for Regional Studies. Selection B: low mountain range threshold. Published by Hellmut Schroeder-Lanz, Trier 1979
  • The hydropower industry in Lapland. Deutsch-Finnish Rundschau: official journal of the German-Finnish Society , Volume 32 (1980), pp. 6-9
  • Royal industrial espionage in the 18th century. A contribution to the prehistory of the porcelain manufactories Fürstenberg and Copenhagen, Keramos, Journal of the Society of Ceramic Friends eV, Issue 96 (1982), pp. 3–12


Expert opinion for the Federal Ministry of Defense on the "Luftgeo" area of ​​responsibility of the former German Wehrmacht; so-called "Evers report". (BMVtdg Fü B III 8156 via BMVtdg VR I 1; Az. 27-40-01 / 218157) without year.


Editor of the series: Kleine Länderkunden. Our knowledge of the earth. Franckh'sche Verlagshandlung, Stuttgart


  • Seidel, Rita: Catalogus Professorum 1831–1981, commemorative publication for the 150th anniversary of the University of Hanover, Volume 2, Stuttgart, Berlin, Cologne and Mainz: Verlag W. Kohlhammer, 1981, p. 60
  • Habel, Walter: WHO'S WHO ?, WHO'S WHO, Federal Republic and West Berlin, Lübeck: Schmidt-Römhild, 1983, p. 282
  • Schuder, Werner: Kürschner's German Scholars Calendar 1983, Fourteenth Edition, AH, Walter de Gruyter & Co., Berlin 1983, p. 889

Web links


  1. see Henning Tegtmeyer : Directory of members of the fraternity Hannovera zu Göttingen 1848-1998, Düsseldorf 1998
  2. ↑ http: //burschenschaft-hannovera-lösungen.blogspot.de/2012/02/wilhelm-evers.html Evers picture
  3. http://www.geography.fi/
  4. http://www.jstor.org/pss/30075141
  5. http://www.nachlassdatenbank.de/viewsingle.php?category=E&person_id=3415&asset_id=3737&sid=782611bb4b14f4a1d96a1
  6. http://www.vexilli.net/HisMGLW/Dok/Evers%20Gutachten.pdf