Wilhelm Gesellius

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Emergency money from the Demminer Tageblatt (1918) with the signature of Wilhelm Gesellius

Wilhelm Gesellius (born March 3, 1872 in Demmin ; † September 28, 1935 there ) was a German newspaper publisher .


Geselliushaus in Demmin

Gesellius grew up in Demmin, where his family had lived since 1860 and his father, Wilhelm Gesellius (1841-1910), ran a book printing company founded in 1832 by his grandfather, Wilhelm Gesellius (1813-1893), and as a publisher, among other things, the Demminer Tageblatt issued.

After graduation in the high school in 1891 Demminer studied Gesellius- at the University of Breslau law . As a student he became a member of the Corps Silesia Breslau at the end of 1891 . After four semesters he went to Tübingen in 1893 , where he also became active in the Corps Franconia Tübingen . He then studied in Berlin and finally in Greifswald . After the legal traineeship in Stettin , he began his professional career in 1897 with the public prosecutor's office in Wiesbaden . At the same time he completed his dissertation , which he had already started in Greifswald, and obtained his doctorate in 1898 iur. In 1901 Gesellius' father fell ill. Wilhelm then ended his work as a public prosecutor, returned to Demmin and took over the management of his father's company. As a one-year volunteer in the 6th field artillery regiment , Gesellius took part in the First World War as a captain and battery leader, including the Battle of Tannenberg (1914) . Gesellius was an honorary member of the district council as well as city councilor and city councilor in Demmin. Shortly before his death, he commissioned the architect Friedrich Brinkmann to build an office and commercial building, the so-called Geselliushaus .


As an honor for his voluntary political work and for his commitment to the construction of a sports stadium in Demmin, a central square in Demmin Gesellius-Platz was named.


  • Breach of arrest (Section 137 of the Reich Penal Code) . Greifswald 1898. (Dissertation)


  • Fritz Maywald: Complete directory of members of the Corps Silesia 1821–1961 , Part I, Cologne 1961, serial no. 557
  • Kösener corps lists 1960, 83 , 556
  • Obituary for Wilhelm Gesellius , in: Corpszeitung der Silesia Breslau , No. 61, 1936.

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