Wilhelm Grabensee

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Monument to Wilhelm Grabensee on the Neue Bult racecourse in Langenhagen

Wilhelm Hubert Grabensee (born August 2, 1841 in Büderich ; † April 16, 1915 in Celle ) was a German veterinarian and hippologist . From 1892 until his death he was the country stable master in Celle.

Live and act

Wilhelm Grabensee was born as the son of a teacher in Büderich near Neuss . From October 1863 he studied veterinary medicine, agriculture and natural sciences at the University of Veterinary Medicine in Berlin . He eventually received his doctorate as Dr. phil., because he was temporarily thinking of embarking on a teaching career.

He worked for several years as a veterinarian in Hirschberg in Silesia before he took up a position as provisional stud doctor at the main stud in Trakehnen on September 1, 1869 . In 1870 he became provisional stud surgeon at the Hessian State Stud Dillenburg , which was founded the previous year , where he was given a permanent position in 1872. In 1876 he moved to Graditz , where he worked as a stud surgeon under the later chief stableman Georg von Lehndorff .

On December 1, 1881, he took over the management of the Rhenish State Stud in Wickrath , initially in the position of head of the stud and from July 17, 1882 as the stud director. In a decisive move away from the breeding of warm-blooded stallions, Grabensee built up a uniform stallion portfolio here by purchasing Belgian cold-blooded horses, which was geared towards the Belgian cold-blooded type.

Grabensee turned down an offer to enter Turkish service and took up the position of stud director of the Celle state stud on April 1, 1892 . In this position he worked from 1893 with the title Landstallmeister until his death. Through his promotion of the Hanoverian warmblood breeding, Celle developed under his leadership into the largest state stud in Prussia . By 1911 the number of stallions rose from 220 to 350 and the number of mare covers from 14,000 to 22,000. His breeding concept "Adel mit Masse" formed the basis of Hanoverian breeding until 1945. Grabensee also supervised the construction of extensive new buildings at the stud and began holding stallion parades .

In 1903 and 1904 Grabensee undertook study trips, first to France , then to the United States and Canada .

He was married. The marriage had a daughter. Another daughter died in 1887 at the age of 14 when Grabensee was the stud director in Wickrath.

Wilhelm Grabensee died in Celle in 1915 after a brief illness at the age of 73. His tomb has been preserved and is located in Cemetery III of the Jerusalem and New Churches in Berlin-Kreuzberg .


Individual evidence

  1. ^ Hans-Jürgen Mende : Lexicon of Berlin burial places . Pharus-Plan, Berlin 2018, ISBN 978-3-86514-206-1 , p. 242.