Wilhelm Heinrich Kaemmerer

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Wilhelm Heinrich Kaemmerer (born June 27, 1820 in Hamburg , † September 20, 1905 there ) was a German businessman, banker and member of parliament.


From 1870 to 1904 Kaemmerer was provisional at the Hiobshospital.

Kaemmerer joined the banking and trading company operated by his ancestors since 1750, which he and his brother Georg Heinrich Kaemmerer had been running with great success since 1851 under the name of GH Kaemmerer Sons . From 1874 to 1905 he belonged to the board of directors of the Vereinsbank , which was then called the management. In doing so, he represented the interests of the family, as part of the banking business had been transferred from GH Kaemmerer Söhne to the Vereinsbank. Kaemmerer was also a member of the supervisory board of Hypothekenbank in Hamburg from 1882 to 1904 and chairman of the supervisory board of Vereinsbank Kiel, which was founded in 1865 .

In addition to his professional activity, Kaemmerer was involved in local and church self-government. From 1848 and 1849 he was adjunct and poor carer, from 1850 to 1870 Hundred Eighties , 1867 and 1868 Jurat, from 1871 to 1891 head of the St. Petri Church , and from 1886 to 1891 a member of the Synod of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in the Hamburg state .

From 1851 to 1855 Kaemmerer was a member of the death shop deputation , from 1852 to 1858 provisional orphanage , 1856 member of the health council and the poor council, 1856 to 1862 citizen of the pension fund, 1860 to 1862 bank citizen, 1862 president of the bank council, from 1863 to 1868 and from 1877 to 1879 commercial judge, 1868 to 1876 member of the finance deputation, 1869 member of the deputation for indirect taxes and duties and member of the pension fund deputation, 1860 to 1874 bank deputation, from 1872 and 1873 member of the orphanage college, 1881 to 1904 member of the guardianship authority as Patron and administrator of the Paßmann School , from 1870 to 1904 provisional of St. Hiob's Hospital, a residential monastery.

Kaemmerer belonged to the Hamburg citizenship from 1862 and from 1868 to 1898.


Kaemmerer married Minna Amanda Eybe on September 9, 1847 (* June 18, 1828 - August 29, 1908), a daughter of the merchant and senator Wilhelm Eybe.



  1. ^ Wilhelm Heyden : The members of the Hamburg citizenship. 1859-1862. Hamburg 1909, p. 58
  2. ^ Vereinsbank Hamburg: 100 years of Vereinsbank in Hamburg. Hamburg 1956, p. 175
  3. ^ Manfred Pohl : Hamburg banking history. Mainz 1986, ISBN 3-7758-1136-2 , p. 62
  4. 1871-1996 Hypothekenbank in Hamburg, Ed. Hypothekenbank in Hamburg, Hamburg 1996, ISBN 3000006605 , p. 158
  5. a b c German Gender Book. No. 27, 1914, p. 70