Wilhelm Heinrich von Grolman

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Wilhelm Heinrich von Grolman (born February 28, 1781 in Berlin ; † January 1, 1856 there ) was a Prussian lawyer, President of the Court of Appeal and Real Privy Councilor.


He came from the originally Westphalian Grolman family, who had been raised to the Prussian nobility . His father was the Berlin High Tribunal President and co-author of the Prussian General Land Law Heinrich Dietrich von Grolman . His mother was Maria Susanna Maercker (1744-1825), daughter of the detective Arnold Georg Maercker († 1758). The Prussian general Karl Wilhelm Georg von Grolman was his brother.


He studied law in Göttingen and Halle , became an auscultator at the city court in Berlin in 1801 , trainee lawyer at the regional court there in 1802 , assessor at the then government in Marienwerder in 1804 , then a councilor in 1806, a member of the chamber judge in Berlin in 1808 and a member of the Kurmark pupil college in 1810 .

When the war broke out in 1813 , he became major and commander of a Kurmärk Landwehr battalion. Grolman fought in the Battle of Hagelberg and took part in the blockades of Magdeburg and Wesel .

In July 1814 he returned to his judicial office, but in 1815 he took command of his Landwehr battalion again and distinguished himself with Fleurus and Wavre , so that he received the Iron Cross 1st class.

After the Second Peace of Paris, he resumed his previous employment in 1816, but was soon appointed Vice-President of the Higher Regional Court in Kleve , joined the then existing ministry for the revision of legislation in Berlin in 1819, became vice-president of the Higher Regional Court in Magdeburg after the same was dissolved in 1821, 1827 Vice-President of the Berlin Court of Appeal, 1831 President of the Justice Senate and 1836 of the Upper Appellation Senate, in 1840 also a member of the State Council. He took his discharge in 1845. He was awarded the Order of the Red Eagle .

Grolman's grave

He was buried with his family members in Cemetery II of the Jerusalem and New Church Congregation.

Grolman was married to Henriette Heim, a daughter of the Berlin doctor and honorary citizen Ernst Ludwig Heim . One of their descendants is General Helmuth von Grolman , the first defense commissioner of the German Bundestag.


Web links

Commons : Wilhelm Heinrich von Grolman  - Collection of images, videos and audio files

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Hans-Jürgen Mende: Lexicon of Berlin tombs. Haude and Spener, Berlin 2006, p. 111.