Wilhelm Schellenberg (Germanist)

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Wilhelm Schellenberg (* July 1944 ) is a German linguist and former university professor.


Education and professional life

After completing his studies, Schellenberg worked as a lecturer at the Erfurt University of Education from 1969 . With a work on the communication process "unmasking". Generalized content-related performance, structure and functional-communicative characteristics as well as the possibilities and means of their linguistic realization , he completed his doctorate A there in 1980 . In 1988 he received his PhD B on the subject of linguistic investigations into the linguistic and communicative activity of the teacher in the communication event lesson (KE / U) on the basis of the functional-communicative language description (FKS) . Thea Schippan (1930–1999) acted as supervisor in both cases .

Schellenberg then taught as an adjunct professor at the chair for German linguistics at his alma mater and the resulting University of Erfurt . His main research interests were in the areas of language action and text linguistics , language style and media communication . Research trips and teaching assignments as visiting scholar took him during his career to universities and colleges in Russia , the Czech Republic , Lithuania , Hungary , the United States , the United Kingdom , the People's Republic of China , Afghanistan and Albania . In the summer semester of 2012 he was responsible for a course in Erfurt for the last time.


Schellenberg is politically and socially engaged in a variety of ways in Erfurt. For example, between 1993 and 2010 he was chairman of the Erfurt branch of the Society for German Language (GfdS) and during this time he was a member of the Society's board of directors in accordance with the statutes. Shortly after the end of his management activity, he was re-elected to the entire board on May 8, 2010 at the GfdS general meeting - this time as "a person who has rendered outstanding services to the German language". After six years, he was confirmed in 2016 for a further term of office until 2022 as a member of the full board.

He is a member of the FDP and was elected at the end of March 2003 at the district members 'meeting as one of the delegates of the Erfurt district association at the state representatives' meeting in Jena at the end of November of the same year . From August 26, 2009 to June 13, 2013, Schellenberg, appointed by the FDP parliamentary group, was a member of the Education and Culture Committee of the Erfurt City Council as a “competent citizen” . In addition, between January 2011 and January 2015 he was an assessor on the board of the FDP district association in Erfurt.

Publications (selection)

  • Wilhelm Schellenberg ( Hrsg. ): Investigations on the strategy of speech formation of selected specialist text types from the present and modern times . In the series: “Hamburg Work on Technical Language Research”, Volume 2. Attikon Verlag, Tostedt , 1994, ISBN 978-3-927-22630-2 .
  • Brigitte Döring; Angelika Feine; Wilhelm Schellenberg ( Ed. ): About language action in the field of tension between reflecting and naming . In the series: “Language - System and Activity”, Volume 28. Peter Lang Publishing Group , Frankfurt am Main / Bern , 1999, ISBN 978-3-631-33887-2 .
  • Ema Kristo; Mario de Matteis; Wilhelm Schellenberg ( Ed. ): Language diversity and interculturality . In the series: “Albanian University Studies”, Volume 10. Athena-Verlag , Oberhausen , 2013, ISBN 978-3-898-96498-2 .
  • Brikena Kadzadej; Mario de Matteis; Jenny Kraja-Prieser; Jürgen Röhling; Wilhelm Schellenberg ( ed. ): The language in the picture - The picture in the language. V. Annual conference of the Southeast European Association of Germanists (SOEGV). Tirana, 16.-18. November 2012 . In the series: “Albanian University Studies”, special volume 2. Athena-Verlag , Oberhausen , 2013, ISBN 978-3-898-96556-9 .
  • Inge Pohl; Wilhelm Schellenberg ( Hrsg. ): Linguistic investigations of youth literary texts in the context of a relational style . In the series: “Language - System and Activity”, Volume 65. Peter Lang Publishing Group , Frankfurt am Main / Bern , 2015, ISBN 978-3-631-36879-4 .

Individual evidence

  1. a b Information on Schellenberg's lecture “Language games and language miracles” given on January 25, 2012 in Erfurt. On January 24, 2012 on oscar-am-freitag.de ( Oscar on Friday , regional advertising magazine for Gotha and Jena). Retrieved December 7, 2019.
  2. ^ Information on the conference "Language and Creativity" held on July 3rd and 4th, 2009 in Erfurt. Retrieved from schattenblick.de ( electronic magazine Schattenblick ) on December 7, 2019.
  3. "Minutes of the 32nd ordinary general meeting of the Society for the German Language on May 8, 2010". In: Der Sprachdienst , Volume 54, № 3/4, May – August 2010, page 117.
  4. a b c Presentation of the board on the homepage of the Society for German Language. Retrieved from gfds.de on December 7, 2019.
  5. ^ Online news archive of the FDP regional association Thuringia for March 2003. Retrieved from fdp-thueringen.de on December 7, 2019.
  6. Online news archive of the FDP regional association Thuringia for November 2003. Retrieved from fdp-thueringen.de on December 7, 2019.