Wilhelm von Keudell

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Wilhelm von Keudell (born July 2, 1922 in Berlin-Lichterfelde , † September 3, 1974 in Matola (Mozambique) ) was a German officer and diplomat .


Wilhelm von Keudell was the son of Otto von Keudell and his wife Maria, geb. Momm. His grandfather Robert von Keudell was u. a. German envoy to the Sublime Porte in Constantinople , German ambassador in Italy and member of the Reichstag and the Prussian House of Representatives . His uncle Walter von Keudell was Reich Minister of the Interior from January 1927 to June 1928 .

Live and act

Keudell took part in the Second World War as an officer . In the Federal Republic he joined the Foreign Service as a diplomat . Most recently, he was Consul General in Lourenço Marques , now Maputo , in the Portuguese colony of Mozambique .

When the Carnation Revolution in Portugal was about to end Portuguese colonial rule and a civil war between the two liberation movements FRELIMO and RENAMO , Wilhelm von Keudell shot himself in his house in Vila Salazar , today's Matola .

Individual evidence

  1. a b Where should we go? In: Der Spiegel . 37/1974 (accessed December 22, 2018)