Willibald Winkler

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Willibald Winkler (born February 1, 1914 in Berlin ; † 1984 ) was a German jazz and entertainment musician ( trombone , double bass , piano , pop composer , arrangement ) and editor of music collections.


Winkler studied from 1928 to 1932 at the Municipal Music School and from 1923 to 1934 at the Berlin Music Academy. He began his career in Max Rumpf's orchestra ; then he worked as a studio musician until 1939 and took part in dance orchestras and studio combos, for example on swing recordings by Willy Berking , Benny de Weille , Heinz Burzynski and Freddie Brocksieper . He was involved in 78 recording sessions between 1938 and 1943. Then he looked after a Berlin cabaret musically. After the Second World War he worked as a lecturer at the Lied der Zeit publishing house in Berlin, most recently as chief editor until 1979. Between 1959 and 1974 he was also active as a pop composer ( Wenn Sie Mich So Anseh'n ).

Publications (selection)

  • Willibald Winkler [Ed.]: We make music on the Triola, 24 children's, pioneer, folk and dance songs for the Triola, selected and edited by Willibald Winkler . Berlin: Song of Time, 1971.
  • Willibald Winkler [editor]: That ignites! Mood hit. C voice. Berlin: Song of Time, 1974.
  • Ingeborg Feustel, Erich Gürtzig (illustrations), Willibald Winkler (music): A sack full of fairy tales from the Rappelpappelwald - a book for children from 6 to 10 years . Song of Time, Berlin, 1979

Lexical entries

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Tom Lord Jazz Discography