Vladimir Kondratievich Pizek

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Vladimir Kondratjewitsch Pizek ( Russian Владимир Кондратьевич Пицек ; * 2. June 1915 in Moscow ; † 18 October 2000 ) was a Soviet theater - and film - actor .

Life and accomplishments

Pizek's acting career began as early as September 1923 with his entry into today's Mossoviet Theater , where he played under the direction of Yuri Alexandrowitsch Savadsky and later studied at the drama school of the theater.

He graduated in July 1936 and was drafted into the Red Army two months later . During this time he was able to perform in Smolensk. After the demobilization in September 1937, Pizek returned to his previous place of work and took part in a tour to the Far East . The outbreak of the German-Soviet War put an end to his work at the Mossoviet Theater . He initially worked on the production of posters with military motifs and then performed for the 4th Youth Front Theater . The dark-haired Mime had served on the central front since June 1942, and at the time of the demobilization in October 1945 he was head of the headquarters' club . After his military service, Pizek first entered the Stanislavsky and Nemirowitsch-Danchenko musical theater , but in 1947 he switched to the Minsk Drama Theater M. Gorky . In February 1949 he was transferred to the Stalingrad Musical Comedy Theater . In September of the following year, Pizek finally returned to Moscow and organized amateur performances there for five years . From 1960 to 1984 he was a member of the Moscow State Theater of Cinema Actors , where he had a seat on the business committee and the editorial board, which belonged to the supervisory bodies of the Mosfilmstudio . He was also the theater's liaison to the Soviet armed forces.

In 1956 Pizek gave in Now strikes 13! his film debut , which was to be followed by around 150 more appearances in front of the camera by 1990. His role spectrum was regarded as very broad, he played a station manager in Коммунист ( communist , 1957), a commissioner in Ветер ( Weter , 1958), a Wehrmacht soldier in Любой ценой ( Ljuboi zenoi , 1959), a priest in Нахалёнок ( Nachaljonok , 1961) , a dentist in what's your name now? (1965) and a sports school director in Тренер ( Trener , 1969). Pizek gave his only leading role in Juri Stepanowitsch Tschuljukin in No one shoots circus bears (1970). He was also in the Soviet- Bulgarian co-productions Никколо Паганини ( Niccolò Paganini , 1982) and Берега в тумане ... ( Berega w tumne ... , 1985), the drama Five Days - filmed by Mosfilm in cooperation with DEFA Five Nights (1961) and can be seen in the DEFA production Januskopf (1972). Pizek was present to a younger audience through his appearances in the fairy tale films The Enchanted Marie (1960) and The Fairy Tale of Lost Time (1964) as well as three episodes of the children's program Фитиль ( Fitil , 1963–1966). He also appeared as a voice actor for the Russian-language version of the work Есть и такой остров ( Est u takoi ostrow , 1963; alternative title: Остров чудес, Ostrow Tschudes ), shot by Azerbaijanfilm .

Pizek was married to Serafima Ivanovna Dubanevich, the couple had no children. He died in Moscow at the age of 85 and was buried in the Perepechinskoye cemetery , section 33.


In 1970 Pitzek was awarded the badge of Excellent Cultural Patronage of the Armed Forces of the USSR , followed in 1987 by the title of Honored Cultural Creator of the RSFSR .

Filmography (selection)

  • 1956: Now it hits 13! (Karnawalnaja notsch)
  • 1960: The enchanted Marie (Marja-iskusnitsa)
  • 1961: Five days - five nights (Pjat dnei, pjat notschei)
  • 1962: impetuous journey  (Moi mladschi brat)
  • 1963: Chief of the Redskins  (Delowyje ljudi)
  • 1964: The Living and the Dead (Schiwye i mjortwye)
  • 1964: The Lost Summer  (Propalo leto)
  • 1964: The fairy tale of lost time (Skaska o poterjannom wremeni)
  • 1964: Green light (Seljonye ogonjok)
  • 1965: father of a soldier (Otez soldata)
  • 1965: what's your name now? (Kak was teper nasywat)
  • 1966: Bad Anecdote  (Skwerny anekdot)
  • 1968: The Mysterious Monk  (Tainstwenny monach)
  • 1968: The Ambassador's Error (Oschibka residenta)
  • 1969: The village detective (Derewenski detective)
  • 1970: You don't shoot circus bears (Korol manescha)
  • 1972: Janus head
  • 1973: The fearless ataman  (Besstraschny ataman)
  • 1974: Rhapsody of the North  (Severnaya rapsodija)
  • 1975: Immortal Passion  (Lyubow semnaja)
  • 1975: From morning until afterglow  (Ot sari do sari)
  • 1977: The Story of an Unknown Actor  (Powest o neiswestnom aktere)
  • 1977: Widows (Wdowy)
  • 1981: The casket of Maria Medici  (Larez Marii Meditschi)
  • 1983: We from Jazz (My is dschasa)
  • 1984: The last wolves (Pristupit k likwidazii)
  • 1990: He was called the beast (... Po proswishchu "Swer")

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. a b Biography of Pizek on kino-teatr.ru (Russian), accessed on July 14, 2020
  2. a b c Biography of Pizek on a-tremasov.ru (Russian), accessed on July 14, 2020
  3. a b Pizek's filmography on kino-teatr.ru (Russian), accessed on July 14, 2020
  4. Photo of the tomb on bozaboza.narod.ru , accessed on July 14, 2020