Vladimira Ieronimovna Uborevich

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Vladimira Ieronimovna Uborevich (1937)

Wladimira Ieronimowna Uborewitsch ( Russian Владимира Иеронимовна Уборевич ; born February 14, 1924 in Chita ; † February 21, 2020 in Moscow ) was a Soviet - Russian architect .


Uborewitsch's father Jeronimas Uborevičius was army commander I rank . In 1930 the family moved to Moscow and initially lived temporarily in the Kremlin in the apartment of their friend Anastas Mikoyan . Vladimira Uborewitsch was acquainted with the adopted daughter Kira Allilujewa of the brother Pavel Sergejewitsch Alliluyew the wife of Stalin Nadezhda Sergejewna Alliluyewa .

During the Great Terror , Vladimira Uborewitsch's father was arrested in 1937 and shot together with Mikhail Nikolayevich Tukhachevsky , Iona Emmanuilowitsch Jakir and August Kork . She was then exiled to Astrakhan with her mother Nina Vladimirovna Uborevich . After the start of the German-Soviet war , her mother was arrested on September 1, 1941 and shot as a member of the family of a traitor to her homeland for anti-Soviet agitation . Vladimira Uborevich was placed in an orphanage in Sverdlovsk . When her nanny Maria Spiridonovna Bolotskaya visited her there to adopt her , this was refused.

In the summer of 1942 Uborewitsch passed the entrance exams for the evacuated Moscow Architecture Institute (MArchI), so that she began studying at MArchI in Tashkent in September 1942 . There she met the evacuated Jelena Sergejewna Bulgakowa . In 1943 she returned to Moscow with MArchI and lived in a dormitory.

Uborevich was arrested in 1944 and sentenced in 1945 to five years ' imprisonment in the Vorkuta labor camp for anti-Soviet agitation . She worked in the planning department of the camp canteen and helped her father's comrades and her mother's friends. She married the Leningrad X-ray technician Oleg Borissowitsch Borowski (1914–1987), who was sentenced to 25 years in prison in 1948 . She got tuberculosis . On September 11, 1946, she gave birth to her daughter Marija. Due to the amnesty in 1947, Uborevich was released early from the camp and lived in Vorkuta . In 1949 her daughter died of meningitis . In 1955 she was rehabilitated.

After the rehabilitation of her parents and her husband in 1957, Uborewitsch was able to return to Moscow, where she was accepted into the 2nd year course at the Moscow Civil Engineering Institute . After graduating in 1962, she worked as a construction engineer at the Moscow military institute Zentromasch (later Soyuzmasch project ). The family was supported by Anastas Mikojan. Uborevich was friends with the daughter of the legendary Abkhazian general Vasily Lakoba-Sinaida, whom she visited in Pizunda in 1970 .

In 2008 Uborewitsch's documentary novel 14 Letters to Jelena Sergejewna Bulgakowa was published .

In January 2013, Rossija K dedicated a multi-part documentary program to the contemporary witness Uborewitsch.

Uborevich's sons Vladimir (* 1950) and Boris (* 1959) also became architects. Your grandchildren and great-grandchildren live in Paris .

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. a b c d e f Sakharov Center : Уборевич Владимира Иеронимовна (р.1924) (accessed on March 26, 2020).
  2. a b c Владимира Уборевич в Пицунде (accessed March 27, 2020).
  3. Опубликованы письма дочери командарма Уборевича (accessed March 26, 2020).
  4. Sakharov Center : Боровский Олег Борисович (1914–1987) инженер (accessed on March 27, 2020).
  5. Уборевич Владимира: 14 писем к Елене Сергеевне Булгаковой . Время, Moscow 2008, ISBN 978-5-9691034-3-6 ( [1] [accessed March 27, 2020]).
  6. Мира. Дочь командарма Уборевича. часть 1 , часть 2 , часть 3 , часть 4 (accessed March 26, 2020).