Wolf Frees

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Johann Wolfgang Max Frées (also Wolf Frées or Wolfgang Müller-Frées ; born October 18, 1909 in Potsdam , † 1974 in London ) was a German actor , radio play speaker and translator .

Live and act

Wolf Frées was trained as an actor by Leopold Jessner in Berlin and made his stage debut in the 1929/30 season in Königsberg at the State Theater for East and West Prussia. After that, Frées initially remained without a permanent commitment. From 1935 he appeared as a guest at the municipal theater in Essen . Since his wife, the actress Ilse Kaltenbach , was Jewish, he was expelled from the Reich Theater Chamber after numerous reprisals and emigrated to Great Britain before the outbreak of the Second World War . There and in the USA , he played supporting roles in various cinema and television productions in front of the camera, for example in Hitchcock's The Man Who Knew Too Much , in The Guns of Navarone or in Doctor Zhivago .

In Germany he worked in many television films and series after the war. Most of the time he played the role of a military man or a detective. He was on stage in March 1966 in Berlin under the direction of Konrad Wagner in Harald Bratt's Die Nacht zum Westen .

In the 1950s and 1960s he worked as a speaker in various radio plays, mainly for the SDR in Stuttgart . Here he also translated some literary sources from English into German .

Filmography (selection)

Radio plays (selection)

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Steffi-Line: Allow me, my name is Cox. Retrieved November 1, 2018 .
  2. Frithjof Trapp et al. (Ed.): Handbook of the German-speaking Exile Theater 1933-1945 . KG Saur Verlag, Munich 1999, ISBN 3-598-11375-7 .