Wolfgang Fuhl

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Wolfgang Fuhl (born March 24, 1960 in Weil am Rhein ) is a German politician of the Alternative für Deutschland (AfD), former member of the Central Council of Jews in Germany and a founding member and deputy chairman of the Jews in the AfD (JAfD).


In his youth, Fuhl volunteered in the youth red cross and the youth center movement and was a member of the Jusos . After an apprenticeship he became a confidant of Union Textile Clothing and works selected. As such, he became a member of the Great Collective Bargaining Commission and joined the supervisory board of his employer KBC , where, among other things, in 1997 he helped draft a site security agreement for his plant. He initially worked as a printer and later became a department manager in the textile company.

In 2005 he was elected to the board of the Israelite community in Lörrach and in 2007 he was elected chairman of the senior council of the Israelite religious community in Baden . From 2008 he was a member of the board of directors of the Central Council of Jews in Germany . There he worked on a state treaty between the Israelite religious communities and the state of Baden-Württemberg and on the construction of the Lörrach synagogue , which was inaugurated in November 2008.


According to his own statements, Fuhl became "more and more conservative over the years" after he became a father and got into trouble with authorities and schools. He had seen how the composition of school classes was changing, how his children were approached by others and the swear word “You Jew!” Was now being used again in school. Shortly after it was founded in 2013, Fuhl joined the AfD and ran for the German Bundestag in the same year .

His entry into the party caused some head shaking in the Jewish community, but mostly praise. He himself never experienced anti-Semitism in the AfD , and Wolfgang Gedeon's anti-Jewish derailments were an isolated case. With the exception of the ban on slaughter in the AfD program, he sees himself entirely in line with the party. Jews are even over-represented in the AfD because, according to Fuhl, they are concerned about the “ Islamization ”. In contrast to Gregor Gysi , he has never had to flee to the toilet at party conferences. Unlike the CDU , no one who was in the NPD could become a member of the AfD . He would rather not see Björn Höcke in the party, but his Dresden speech was not anti-Semitic and protected by freedom of expression .

In the state elections in Baden-Württemberg in 2016 , Fuhl ran as a direct candidate for the AfD in the Lörrach constituency and received around 13 percent of the vote. In the 2017 federal election he ran in the constituency of Lörrach-Müllheim and received 9.6 percent.

In October 2018, Fuhl was one of the founders of the party-internal group Jews in the AfD (JAfD) and became its deputy chairman. After severe criticism from the Central Council of Jews , he declared that they were ready for a critical dialogue with the Central Council. Jewish values ​​and those of the party fit together, since the AfD is "the conservative party in Germany" and many Jews are value-conservative people. Jewish associations voluntarily “submitted” to the policy of Chancellor Angela Merkel , and she managed to “divide” the Jews in Germany.


Fuhl is married, has two daughters and lives in Lörrach.


Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Candidate check: Wolfgang Fuhl (AfD) wants a safe home , Südkurier, September 1, 2017.
  2. a b Ricarda Breyton: New grouping: "Jews in the AFD" - party speaks of historical significance. WeltN24, October 8, 2018
  3. a b c Award of the Order of Merit of the State of Baden-Württemberg on April 30, 2011 - Brief vitas of the order pretenders, www.baden-wuerttemberg.de, 2011.
  4. ^ A b Jens Rosbach: AfD politician Wolfgang Fuhl: Right-wing populist and Jewish , Deutschlandfunk, April 11, 2016.
  5. a b Wolfgang Fuhl at abgeordnetenwatch.de . Retrieved November 5, 2018.
  6. ^ A b Daniel Gramespacher: Wolfgang Fuhl (AfD) in constituency 282 Lörrach-Müllheim , Badische Zeitung, August 24, 2017.
  7. Jens Rosbach: AfD, Front National and Co. right-wing populists vying for Jews - across Europe , Deutschlandfunk Kultur, July 15, 2016.
  8. Mariam Lau : Of all things, the AfD advertises for Jewish members. Even with success , Zeit online, April 5, 2017.
  9. Guy Chazan: Why Some Jews Are Backing Germany's Far-Right Party , Ozy.com , October 15, 2018.
  10. ^ Result and election winner in constituency 282 , WeltN24, September 25, 2017.
  11. ^ Jewish AfD members found controversial association , Westfälische Rundschau, October 7, 2018.
  12. Laura Waßermann: Founding of the JAfD in Wiesbaden: AfD would like to bring its "value conservative" ideas into Jewish society , RTL, October 8, 2018.
  13. Margarethe Gallersdörfer: AfD wants to fight Islam with Jews , Frankfurter Rundschau, September 25, 2018.
  14. Julian Staib: "Jews in the AfD" defend themselves against allegations , Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung, October 7, 2018.
  15. Orit Arfa : Jewish supporters of Germany's far-right AfD see party as means to counter anti-Semitism , J-Wire, October 11, 2018.