Wolfgang Gampe

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Wolfgang Gampe (born August 2, 1928 in Naunhof ; † February 14, 1999 ) was a German agricultural scientist , university professor and functionary in the German Democratic Republic (GDR). In 1990 he was President of the Agricultural Society of the GDR (awig).


Gampe, son of a bricklayer, attended the business school in Leipzig after primary school . After the end of the Second World War , he was briefly interned by Soviet troops in the former Buchenwald concentration camp , but was released again in 1945 and began to work on his parents' farm.

In 1950/51 he attended the Agricultural College in Wurzen , then studied at the University of Leipzig until 1954 and became a qualified farmer. After two years as a teacher at the Agricultural College in Stadtrode, he became a research assistant at the German Academy of Agricultural Sciences (DAL). From 1958 to 1960 he was department head of the newly founded research center for agricultural economics at DAL in Anklam .

In 1960 Gampe received his doctorate at the University of Leipzig with the thesis "Methods for determining labor productivity in the agricultural production communities (LPG)". In the same year he joined the Socialist Unity Party of Germany (SED) and became a member of the Anklam district leadership.

From 1962 to 1965 Gampe was chairman of the LPG in Neetzow and a member of the agricultural council of the Anklam district. In 1965 he moved to the LPG University of Meissen and became a lecturer in socialist business administration. In 1967 he received his habilitation and until 1971 was a professor with a chair and director of the Institute for Business Administration and at the same time scientific director of the teaching and research facility in Kalkreuth . From 1966 to 1969 he was also a consultant for GDR television, the German television network (DFF). In 1968 he became a candidate for the DAL.

In autumn 1971 Gampe came into conflict with the party and state leadership because of his criticism of the GDR's economic policy. He was recalled from teaching and his candidacy for the DAL was canceled. He remained director of the Kalkreuth estate until 1979.

From 1979 to 1985 Gampe was a professor at the Martin Luther University in Halle and was then able to return to the LPG university. In 1989 he became director of the business organization division. In March 1990, after the reunification and the peaceful revolution in the GDR , he was officially rehabilitated by the Academy of Agricultural Sciences (ADL), which emerged from the DAL . In August of the same year he was elected President of the Agricultural Society of the GDR. Until his retirement in 1991 he was also a visiting lecturer at the Technical University of Dresden .

Fonts (selection)

  • Socialist Business Administration in Agriculture - Handbook , Berlin 1986.
