Wolfgang Großruck

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Wolfgang Großruck, 2008

Wolfgang Großruck (born October 24, 1947 in Grieskirchen ) is an Austrian politician ( ÖVP ) and has been a member of the Austrian National Council since 1995 . He was housing spokesman for the ÖVP in the National Council.

education and profession

Wolfgang Großruck attended elementary school in Grieskirchen between 1953 and 1957 and then switched to grammar school in Wilhering Abbey , where he completed his Matura in 1967. Then Großruck did his military service and studied medicine at the University of Innsbruck from 1968 to 1970 . Großruck, who did not complete his studies, learned a teaching profession from 1970 to 1972 at the Pedagogical Academy of the Diocese of Linz .

Großruck only practiced his profession as a teacher at the Polytechnic School Grieskirchen between 1972 and 1973. He then worked from 1973 to 1988 as managing director of the Gföllner company in Grieskirchen and from 1988 to 1995 he was regional manager for personal insurance at the Vienna Allianz Lebensversicherungs-AG, regional directorate Upper Austria.


Wolfgang Großruck started his political career in the local council of his home community Grieskirchen, of which he has been a member since 1973. In 1984 he was elected ÖVP city party chairman (until 2003) and rose to become vice mayor in 1985. In 1991, Großruck also took over the role of parliamentary group chairman of the ÖVP local council group. In 1996 Großruck was elected mayor, after which he resigned from his position as parliamentary group chairman in 1997.

Since 1999 Großruck has also been the ÖVP district party chairman in the Grieskirchen district. He is a member of the regional board of the ÖVP Upper Austria, district chairman of the ÖAAB Grieskirchen and a member of the regional board of the ÖAAB Upper Austria. Between 1990 and 1994, Großruck was also a councilor for the Upper Austrian Chamber of Labor .

Wolfgang Großruck has been a member of the National Council since February 21, 1995, i.e. since the 19th legislative period . As a member of parliament, Grossruck was President of the Austrian-Albanian Society and Balkan Commissioner of the ÖVP Parliamentary Club. He was also a member of the OSCE Parliamentary Assembly , OSCE Vice-President and election observer. He represented the ÖVP in the 23rd legislative period (from 2006) in the immunity committee, the foreign affairs committee, the building committee and the human rights committee.

At the end of the 23rd legislative period on October 27, 2008, he resigned from the National Council for the time being, but was able to move up to her seat through the appointment of Maria Fekter as Minister of the Interior and was sworn in again on December 3, 2008. In 2009 he became chairman of the building committee that oversees the renovation of the parliament. In February 2009, Großruck resigned his position as mayor of Grieskirchen after almost 13 years in office.


Wolfgang Großruck is a member of the Catholic student association AV Austria Innsbruck .


Wolfgang Großruck is known for ending each of his speeches to the parliamentary assembly with a rhyme. A speech to the National Council in May 2011 in which he quoted the following caused controversy:

Although he is already a mature man, Dominique Strauss shows what he can do.

Both MPs from the Social Democrats and the Greens accused him of playing down a possible rape with his testimony and in some cases called on him to resign.

More quotes from Wolfgang Großruck:

Austria is to be envied; the worries it has while people around the world are suffering are childish. Let's change the land of the mountains, let's leave it as it was, happy land of garden gnomes, oh tu felix Austria!
I advise Mr Strache , who is in need to pray a rosary, to read the riot act to Barbara - and to forget the elections.
Just as Troy was once destroyed with ruse by Odysseus's wooden horse, so the Greeks have now used tricks to blot Europe with color.
Business and industry are fighting against product piracy. The same is also true of parties that are fraternally divided. In word and deed , the oranges are product pirates of the FPÖ .
A teacher out of control announces PISA results: 40 percent can read and 60 are good at arithmetic! Whereupon the Primus interrupts: Mr. Teacher, we are not that many!
After the election, I'll go to Vienna, when it comes to red and green. So spoke the green professor . He's not much better than little Grosz from Graz , who also promised we'd get rid of him. What orange and green promise, dear voters - do not believe it!
Set in stone a year ago, conscription is now being scourged. Principles are irrelevant, the "Kronen Zeitung" does rule. The ÖVP, however, is smart and ready to talk at any time.
The villains in the rogue states should atone for their villainous deeds. And every villain should see how the villain will fare. Ahmadinejad knows that he has an expiration date.
The Chancellor is red, according to Proporz, but the head towards it is black.
We don't care about tax money. For what we broke into you, Kreisky's team was a savings association. Pay it our children have to say hello to the Faymann brothers!
On our knees we implore you, dear "Kronen Zeitung" man, in future we will no longer rest and only do what you want. Europe "yes", Europe "no" - whatever you want it to be. If you want Turkey to join, we will of course be there. If you want to get out of the EU, we totally agree. God grant you a long life so that you can still give us a lot! So don't be so mad at us anymore - your Werni and Fred Gusenbauer .
Comprehensive school pulp is not the best. Co-determination is required, and diversity is also the order of the day. Reforms, yes, but done with care, cautiously, not too quickly. Only the Chancellor is allowed to drive too fast - I don't want to comment.
Our Chancellor, as we know, does very well enjoy life. So it can happen that he Freud'schich gets lost; that he simply calls Europe's President "Mr Barolo". Which may also lead to Putin becoming "Pushkin". Merkel becomes "Frau Merlot". From Berlusconi "Bordeaux" is.
Two hunting committees with no end are now sitting in parliament. However, there is only one man on the red-blue-green shooting plan. Halali has been blowing for days - fire free! for hunting Grasser .
The ministry was colored dark red for 30 years, all posts and all offices were inherited only by the SPÖ. Since the fall of the Wall two years ago, everything has been going right, Security Minister Strasser is doing it red-white-red again.


Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Archive link ( Memento from November 16, 2012 in the Internet Archive )
  2. Kurier : outrage after sexism sellers ( Memento from May 19, 2011 in the Internet Archive )
  3. ^ The rhymes of Wolfgang Großruck ( Memento from August 28, 2011 in the Internet Archive )
  4. List of all decorations awarded by the Federal President for services to the Republic of Austria from 1952 (PDF file; 6.59 MB)