Wolfgang Hug

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Wolfgang Hug (born July 9, 1931 in Stühlingen ; † May 19, 2018 in Freiburg-Kappel) was a German historian and history teacher . At the Freiburg University of Education , he taught as a lecturer and professor for history and its didactics.


After the state examination in Freiburg in 1954/55 and doctorate summa cum laude in Munich in 1957 with a dissertation entitled Elements of Biography in the High Middle Ages. Investigations into the form of representation and the historical image of the lives from the end of the Ottonians to the Staufer time , Hug went into the teaching profession and taught at the Max-Planck-Gymnasium in Lahr, at the Droste-Hülshoff - and at the Kepler-Gymnasium in Freiburg the subjects German, history, Latin and Social studies. His second state paper on the historical interest in the lower grades of the grammar school was printed in the journal History in Science and Education . In 1960 he moved to the German UNESCO Commission in Cologne as a pedagogical consultant for two and a half years . Then he received offers at the University of Education in Berlin and the newly founded University of Education in Freiburg . There he began teaching in the summer semester of 1962 - at the age of 31 - as a lecturer in history and its didactics and taught until 1995.

He became known as the editor and author of the textbook Geschichtliche Weltkunde or later Our Story in Moritz Diesterweg-Verlag . He also made a name for himself as a Baden regional and Freiburg city ​​historian. On May 11, 1996, he received the Baden-Württemberg Medal of Merit .

Fonts (selection)

  • Salt of the earth: a story based on the film of the same name by HJ Biberman , Berlin 1974 ISBN 3-88025-303-X .
  • History lessons in practice in lower secondary level: surveys, analyzes and perspectives , Frankfurt / M. 1977 ISBN 3-425-07323-0 .
  • The historical museum in history lessons: a didactic guide with teaching examples , Freiburg 1978 ISBN 3-87640-150-X .
  • The Freiburg Minster tells its story , Freiburg 1978 ISBN 3-451-17218-6 .
  • Rural world in the Black Forest: Agriculture and house trade in pre-industrial times , Karlsruhe 1984.
  • The people in the forest: Everyday history of the Black Forest between rural tradition and industrial development , Stuttgart 1987 ISBN 3-8062-0502-7 .
  • The Freiburg Minster: Art - History - Faith , March-Buchheim 1990 ISBN 3-924870-03-9 .
  • The big book from the Black Forest , Stuttgart 2001 ISBN 3-8062-0819-0 .
  • History of Baden , Stuttgart 1992 ISBN 3-8062-1022-5 .
  • Portraits of the Virgin: Madonnas in Breisgau from nine centuries , March 1994 ISBN 3-924870-74-8 .
  • The Christmas story in the Freiburg Minster , March-Buchheim 1995 ISBN 3-924870-07-1 .
  • Badener Land in Farbe , Stuttgart 1996 ISBN 3-8062-1184-1 .
  • In the Hotzenwald: Culture and nature guides , Freiburg 2001 ISBN 3-89155-266-1 .
  • Beautiful women from the Freiburg Minster. Portraits from eight centuries, Freiburg 2004 ISBN 3-451-28311-5 .
  • From Baden and Unsymbadischen: A cheerful regional studies , Stuttgart 2005 ISBN 3-8062-1986-9 .
  • Little history of Baden , Stuttgart 2006 ISBN 3-8062-2050-6 .
  • Knowing where Barthel gets the must: a small cultural history of winged words , Schwalbach 2009 ISBN 3-941264-05-2 .

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Obituary notice , accessed on May 30, 2018
  2. ^ Badische Zeitung of May 28, 2018: Mourning for Wolfgang Hug. Badische Zeitung, May 28, 2018, accessed on May 29, 2018 .
  3. About the Saltpeterer in the Hotzenwald - historian and local researcher: Wolfgang Hug
  4. The first volume appeared in 1974, the second volume in 1975 and the third volume in 1976. Student workbooks were also published with the volumes
  5. List of medal recipients 1975–2019. (PDF; 180 kB) State Ministry of Baden-Württemberg, p. 40 , accessed on June 12, 2019 .