Wolfgang Stroothenke

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Wolfgang Hendrik Stroothenke (born November 15, 1913 in Berlin ; † April 29 or May 9, 1945 in Ihlenfeld, today Neuenkirchen ) was a German theologian .

Live and act

Stroothenke attended the Lessing high school in Berlin-Gesundbrunnen . He studied Protestant theology at the Friedrich Wilhelms University in Berlin with a special interest in practical theology and church diakonia . He was a member of the German national student union and gave lectures in student groups. He wrote spiritual poems.

After submission of its theological and at the same time philosophical dissertation , he was on 18 October 1939, licentiate in theology doctorate . In 1939 he declared his collaboration with the Institute for Research and Elimination of the Jewish Influence on German Church Life .

The “racial hygienist” Fritz Lenz wrote the foreword to Stroothenke's dissertation in inheritance and Christianity . The book edition was placed on the index of banned books by the Vatican in 1941 . According to a report by the German Embassy at the Holy See, the reason for this was the “emphasis on the moral value of the personality regardless of its physical and psychological characteristics, hence the strict rejection of euthanasia and sterilization” by the Vatican. In the GDR , inheritance and Christianity were placed on the list of literature to be sorted out published by the Ministry of National Education in 1952 .

Wolfgang Stroothenke had been published in the summer of 1940 when his book, Sergeant of the Reserve in France .

He became a lieutenant , then first lieutenant (adjutant) in the flak . In 1942 he married Elisabeth Preuß (later assistant doctor in the surgical university clinic) in Erlangen and had two daughters with her. On April 29 or May 9, 1945 he died in fighting in Ihlenfeld near Neubrandenburg and was buried there with other soldiers in a soldier's grave in the cemetery of the village church.


  • Inheritance and Christianity. Issues of sterilization, mess, euthanasia, marriage . With a foreword by Fritz Lenz. Klotz, Leipzig 1940.

Individual evidence

  1. Hans Prolingheuer: We went astray . Cologne 1987, p. 150.
  2. ^ Index Librorum Prohibitorum 1948
  3. ^ Files of the party chancellery of the NSDAP . Part I. Regesten, Volume 1. Oldenbourg Wissenschaftsverlag, Munich 1983, p. 570.
  4. ^ List of literature to be discarded . Published by the Ministry for National Education of the German Democratic Republic. Third supplement based on April 1, 1952. Online transcript letter S.
  5. According to the preface in his book.
  6. "May 1945", according to the daughter in her curriculum vitae in her dissertation (Erlangen 1969).