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Coat of arms is missing
Voronyaky (Ukraine)
Basic data
Oblast : Lviv Oblast
Rajon : Zolochiv Raion
Height : 397 m
Area : 7.24 km²
Residents : 3,122 (2001)
Population density : 431 inhabitants per km²
Postcodes : 80751
Area code : +380 3265
Geographic location : 49 ° 47 '  N , 24 ° 54'  E Coordinates: 49 ° 46 '34 "  N , 24 ° 53' 30"  E
KOATUU : 4621881801
Administrative structure : 1 village
Address: 80751 с. Вороняки
Website : City council website
Statistical information
Voronyaky (Lviv Oblast)

Voronjaky ( Ukrainian Вороняки ; Russian Вороняки Voronjaki , Polish Woroniaki ) is a village in the east of the Ukrainian Lviv Oblast with about 3100 inhabitants (2001).

The village, founded at the end of the 15th to the beginning of the 16th century and first mentioned in writing in 1680, had a number of 333 houses in 1894 with a total of 1866 inhabitants. Of these, 1,099 were Greek Catholics and 767 were Roman Catholics.

Woronjaky is the only village of the same district municipality in the historical landscape of Galicia in the east of Rajon Zolochiv . The village is 74 km east of the Lviv Oblast center . The N 02 trunk road runs north of the village and the railway station of the neighboring district capital Zolochiv is on the Krasne – Odessa railway line to the north .

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Local website on the official website of the Verkhovna Rada ; accessed on November 30, 2017 (Ukrainian)
  2. a b Website of the local school - history of the place; accessed on November 30, 2017 (Ukrainian)
  3. history Woronjaky in the history of the towns and villages of the Ukrainian SSR ; accessed on November 30, 2017 (Ukrainian)