Youssef Matta

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Youssef Matta (born December 3, 1968 in Nazareth , Israel ) is an Israeli clergyman and Melkite Greek Catholic Archbishop of Akka .


Youssef Matta received on 19 June 1999, the sacrament of Holy Orders .

The Synod of the Bishops of the Melkite Greek Catholic Church, which met in Raboueh , Lebanon , from November 5 to 9, 2018 , elected him Archbishop of Akka. On March 18, 2019, Pope Francis confirmed this election. The Archbishop of Beirut and Jbeil , Georges Bacaouni , donated him episcopal ordination on June 1 of the same year ; Co- consecrators were Archbishop Emeritus of Petra and Philadelphia , Yasser Ayyash , and Archbishop Emeritus of Akka, Pierre Mouallem SMSP .

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. assenso del Santo Padre alla nomina del Youssef Matta ad Arcivescovo di Akka (Israele). In: Daily Bulletin. Holy See Press Office , March 18, 2019, accessed March 18, 2019 (Italian).
predecessor Office successor
Georges Bacaouni Archbishop of Akka
since 2019