Zacarías de Vizcarra y Arana

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Bishop Zacarías de Vizcarra

Zacarías de Vizcarra y Arana (born November 4, 1880 in Abadiano , Bizkaia , † September 18, 1963 in Toledo ) was auxiliary bishop in Toledo .


Vizcarra received the sacrament of ordination for the Archdiocese of Toledo on March 31, 1906 .

On April 2, 1947, Pope Pius XII appointed him . auxiliary bishop in Toledo and appointed him titular bishop of Eressus . The Archbishop of Toledo Enrique Pla y Deniel donated him episcopal ordination on June 22 of the same year ; Co- consecrators were the Bishop of Vitoria Carmelo Ballester y Nieto , CM and the auxiliary bishop in Toledo, Eduardo Martinez González .

He took part in the Second Vatican Council .


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