Zacharias Garcaeus

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Zacharias Garcaeus (born January 11, 1544 in Pritzwalk , † March 9, 1586 in Brandenburg an der Havel ), origin. Gartz , was a German theologian , lawyer and historian .

Zacharias Garcaeus based on a relief above the east portal of the town hall in the old town of Brandenburg an der Havel


Garcaeus was born as the son of the mayor of Pritzwalker Joachim Gartz and nephew of the famous theologian Johannes Garcaeus . He grew up in Pritzwalk and received his first training at the Latin school there . Presumably he switched to the Evangelical Lutheran city school in Magdeburg . In 1564 Garcaeus was enrolled at the University of Wittenberg . One of his teachers there was Caspar Peucer . In 1571 he returned to his former Pritzwalker school as principal .

At Easter 1575, under Mayor Simon Roter, he took over the post of vice-principal of the Latin School at St. Gotthardt in the old town of Brandenburg .

In addition, from 1576 he held the office of town clerk , which at that time was still led under the title of Syndicus . In addition, he was appointed to the Brandenburg Schöppenstuhl , which, located in the middle of the Havel between the Neustadt Brandenburg and the old town of Brandenburg, was the former Brandenburg legal court and appellate authority , also as a scribe and assessor.

His position among the dignitaries of the old town of Brandenburg solidified with his acceptance into the magistrate and his marriage in 1576 to Anna Schüler (or Low German Schuller ), the daughter of the mayor Andreas Schüler.

In his role as town clerk, he also had cameralistic tasks.

Despite his outstanding professional success, Zacharias Garcaeus had to experience the most serious personal tragedy: His four children Anna, Joachim, Magdalene and Zacharias the Elder. J. died before him. He was only 42 years old.

The Marienkirche of Brandenburg an der Havel based on a picture by the town clerk Zacharias Garcaeus from 1588


Zacharias Garcaeus was a proven schoolman who significantly promoted the upbringing of children in the cities of Pritzwalk and old town Brandenburg . In addition, he made a name for himself as one of the most important Brandenburg chroniclers alongside Engelbert Wusterwitz and Jacob Paul Freiherr von Gundling by compiling a profound and comprehensive Brandenburg chronicle .

Garcaeus created the first known cityscape of Brandenburg from the tower of Gotthardtkirche, on which his Latin school, the Rathenower gate tower and the Marienkirche can be seen.

The city of Brandenburg thanked its city clerk for his life's work by depicting his relief bust above the portal of the old town hall in Schusterstrasse.


  • Hermann Pieper:  Gartz, Zacharias . In: Allgemeine Deutsche Biographie (ADB). Volume 49, Duncker & Humblot, Leipzig 1904, p. 253 f.
  • Otto Tschirch : History of the Chur and capital Brandenburg on the Havel. Festschrift for the city's millennium in 1928/29. 2 volumes. Wiesike et al., Brandenburg an der Havel 1928.
  • Klaus Heß, Wolfgang Kusior, Walter Kunkel: The past millennium. Highlights from the history of the city of Brandenburg. Chronicle of the city of Brandenburg. Timeline of the history of Brandenburg (Havel) . Neddermeyer, Berlin 2003, ISBN 3-933254-40-X
  • Lothar Noack, Jürgen Splett: Bio Bibliographies. Brandenburg scholars of the early modern period. Berlin-Cölln 1640–1688. de Gruyter, Berlin 1997, pp. 151-157. ISBN 3-05-002840-8 .

Web links

Commons : Zacharias Garcaeus  - Collection of images, videos and audio files


  1. a b Zacharias Garcaeus in the Prignitzlexikon (no longer online)
  2. 45 well-known Brandenburg author collective, eds. Marcus Alert and Wolfgang Kusior, Verlag B. Neddermeyer Berlin 2002, ISBN 3-933254-34-5 , Garcaeus article by Helga Heinz p. 29 ff.