Zacharias Kniller

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Epitaph Kniller in the Katharinenkirche in Lübeck
Werkmeisterhaus at the Katharinenkirche

Zacharias Kniller (born November 16, 1611 in Eisleben , † April 4, 1675 in Lübeck ) was a German portrait painter.


Kniller was the son of a landowner in the Halle (Saale) area , who was both mining inspector and tax collector for Count Mansfeld . He studied architecture and mathematics at the University of Leipzig and is said to have worked as an artilleryman. He lived in Sweden for a while, where he was favored by Queen Marie Eleonore , Gustav Adolf's widow . After her death he moved to Lübeck and in 1659 became foreman of the Katharinenkirche . He was a sought-after portrait painter for the Lübeck patriciate; a number of portraits by his hand have survived. From his marriage in 1639 to Lucia Beuten, the daughter of a Lübeck council musician, there were four sons, three of whom achieved artistic importance: Johann Zacharias Kneller (1644–1702) as a painter; the most famous: Gottfried Kniller / Godfrey Kneller (1646–1723) also as a painter and Andreas Kneller (1649–1724) as a composer of the north German organ school.

Zacharias Kniller was buried in St. Katharinen, where one year after his death his sons placed an epitaph painted by Gottfried and Johann Zacharias in the south aisle.



Web links

Commons : Zacharias Kniller  - Collection of pictures, videos and audio files