Zachary Onyonka

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Zachary Theodore Onyonka (born February 28, 1939 in Meru , Eastern Province , Kenya (according to other information: 1942 in Bogeka , Kisii County , Nyanza Province ); † October 22, 1996 in London ) was a Kenyan politician who, among other things, from 1987 until 1988 was Foreign Minister.


Studies, MP and Minister under President Kenyatta

After the Mosocho Primary School from 1947 to 1952 and the Nyabururu Intermediate School between 1952 and 1954, Onyonka attended St. Mary's Secondary School in Yala and then studied at the Interamerican University of Puerto Rico between 1960 and 1962 . He then completed a postgraduate degree in economics at Syracuse University from 1962 to 1966, initially with a Master of Science (M.Sc.) and then a Doctor of Philosophy ( Ph.D. ). After his return to Kenya, he taught economics at the University of Nairobi between 1967 and 1969 as a lecturer .

He was elected in the December 1969 elections as a candidate for the Kenya African National Union (KANU) for the first time as a member of the National Assembly and represented the Kitutu West constituency in this until the 1988 elections .

Immediately after his election, he was appointed Minister for Economic Planning and Development in the government of President Jomo Kenyatta in December 1969 and took over the management of the Ministry of Information and Broadcasting in a government reshuffle in October 1970 before becoming Minister of Health in January 1973.

After his re-election to the National Assembly in 1974, he became Minister of Education and held this office until July 1976. In July 1976, President Kenyatta appointed him Minister of Culture and Social Services.

In addition to his political activities, he was also active as an entrepreneur and ran a bakery in Nairobi from 1975 to 1978 .

Minister under President Arap Moi

In 1979 he was re-elected a member of the National Assembly in the Kitutu West constituency and was reappointed Minister for Economic Planning and Development by the new President Daniel Arap Moi . On April 23, 1980, he entrusted him with the responsibility of the Minister for Cooperative Development. In 1986 he founded the private school Mosocho Academy in his home province .

In June 1987 he was appointed foreign minister to succeed Elijah Mwangale and held this ministerial office until he was replaced by Robert Ouko in 1988. During his tenure as minister he was temporarily arrested and charged with the murder of Ouru Ndege. In the 1988 elections he was elected a member of the National Assembly in the newly created constituency of Kitutu Chache and was a member of this until his death.

After the election in 1988 he became Minister for Planning and National Development in the Arap Moi Cabinet, where he was finally Minister for Research, Technical Education and Technology until his death.

After his death in London Bridge Hospital , Jimmy Nuru Ondieki Angwenyi was elected a member of the National Assembly in that constituency.

His son Richard Momoima Onyonka is also a politician and a member of the National Assembly for the Kitutu Chache constituency .

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Kenya Gazette, December 19, 1969
  2. Kenya Gazette, November 1, 1974
  3. Kenya Gazette, September 19, 1975
  4. Kenya Gazette, July 7, 1978
  5. Kenya Gazette, November 16, 1979
  6. Kenya Gazette, May 30, 1980
  7. Debate in the Senate (June 17, 2014)