Zara (singer)

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Zara (2017)

Zara ( Russian Зара Sara ; actually Зарифа Пашаевна Мгоян Safira Paschajewna Mgojan ); Born July 26, 1983 in Leningrad , RSFSR , is a Russian pop singer and actress .


Zara was born into a Kurdish family. The father, Pasha Binbaschijewitsch Mgojan, is a candidate for physical-mathematical sciences , he works in the field of mechanical engineering. The mother, Nadi Jamalovna Mgojan, is a housewife. Zara has an older sister, Liana, and a younger brother, Roman. She brings up two sons: Daniil and Maxim.

Zara attended secondary school No. 2 in the city of Otradnoye (Leningrad) . In 2000 she graduated from high school No. 56 in Saint Petersburg with a silver medal. In addition to the general secondary school, she completed the piano class in the children's music school with distinction.

In 1995 Zara met the musician and composer Oleg Kwascha, and in 1996 she recorded the songs Сердце Джульетты (Julia's heart), Именно сегодня, именно сейчас… (“Just today, right now…”) and Колыбе with him. which were added to the lists of radio stations and brought the singer a first celebrity.

In 1997 Zara became a finalist in the television competition "Утренняя звезда" ("Morning Star") ( Moscow ) with the song Julias Herz and received the Grand Prix of the International Festival "Пусть смеются дети" ("May the children laugh") ( Cairo and Port Said , Egypt ). In 1998 the singer won the Grand Prix of the competition "Надежды Сибири" ("Siberia's Hopes") ( Omsk ), the open competition for singers of new children's songs "День рождения" ("Birthday") and the international television competition "Шлягер года" ("Hit of the Year") (both in Saint Petersburg ). Two years in a row, Zara won first prize and the Grand Prix in the competition “Надежды Европы” (“Europe's Hopes”) ( Sochi ); In 1999 she was awarded the audience prize at the festival "Голоса-1999" ("Voices 1999") in Sochi .

In 2004 she graduated from the St. Petersburg Academy of Theater Arts . During his studies, Zara played in the performances of Голоса ушедшего века (“Voices of the Last Century”), Идиот (“Idiot”) and Небесные ласточки (“Heavenly Swallows”) on the stage of the Study Theater on Mokhovaya Street.

In 2006 Zara became a finalist of the television show "Фабрика звёзд-6" ("Starfabrik 6") on the Pervy Canal (producer Viktor Drobysch), in 2009 she reached the finals of the project "Две звезды" ("Two Stars"), where she in Duet with the Merited Artist of the Russian Federation Dmitry Pevtsov took second place. In 2010 Zara took part in the ice show "Лед и пламень" ("Ice and Flame") (Pervy Canal) with the Olympic figure skating champion Anton Sicharulidze .

In March 2011, Zara took part in the “Фабрика звёзд. Возвращение ” (“ Star Factory. Return ”). Since the beginning of 2015, Zara has been a permanent member of the all-Russian television competition for singers "Новая звезда" ("New Star"), which is held on the Zvezda television channel with the support of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation .

The singer has released nine studio albums and has won several national music awards "Золотой граммофон" ("Golden Gramophone") and diplomas from the Russian television festival "Песня года" ("Song of the Year"). As an actress, Zara u. a. for her roles in the television series Улицы разбитых фонарей ( "Street of the broken lanterns") (2001), Спецназ по-русски 2 ( "Russian SWAT Team 2") (2004), Favorsky (2005), and films Пушкин. Последняя дуэль ("Pushkin. Last Duel") (2006), Белый песок ("White Sand") (2011) known.

On November 24, 2016, a successful solo concert by Zara took place in the State Kremlin Palace on the occasion of the 20th anniversary of her creative activity. The singer's anniversary concert program included popular works from various musical genres such as songs of the war years, classical vocal pieces, folk songs, worldwide and Russian pop hits, ethnic music pieces, etc. The show featured Nikolai Baskov , Stas Mikhailov, Dmitry Pevtsov, Viktor Drobysch and the Italian tenor Andrea Bocelli , with the latter Zara sang in the duet La Grande Storia . A new album Миллиметры ("Millimeter") was released for the singer's concert .

Cultural and public activity

Every year Zara takes part in the International Festival of Arts "Славянский базар" ("Slavic Bazaar") in Vitebsk . In 2014 she was awarded the Russian-Belarusian Union Prize “For the creative realization of the idea of ​​strengthening friendship between the peoples of Belarus and Russia”.

At the end of December 2015, the singer gave a solo concert at the Russian airport Basil al-Assad in Latakia ( Syria ) to support the Russian military personnel who are fighting against the Islamic State , which is banned in Russia , and to strengthen the fighting spirit of the Russian air force's flying group. On February 28, 2016, she visited Syria again and gave another solo concert for the Russian military at the Hmeimim air base. On March 25, 2016, Zara was awarded the "Participant in War Operation in Syria" medal for assistance in carrying out a mission imposed on the armed forces of the Russian Federation during war operations in Syria.

On December 5, 2016, the United Nations Organization for Education, Science and Culture awarded the singer the honorary title “ UNESCO Artist for Peace” for the preservation of the values ​​and ideas of the organization and the development and consolidation of the idea of ​​peace and international understanding . The award ceremony took place at the UN headquarters in Paris .


Zara is a member of the board of trustees of the welfare fund "Шаг навстречу" ("One step towards") ( Saint Petersburg ), which supports citizens (children and adults) in difficult life situations as well as children with tumor diseases and infantile cerebral palsy .

Zara is a participant in various charity projects implemented by the Welfare Fund for the Support of Blind and Visually Impaired Children “По зову сердца” (“After the call of the heart”) (founder: pop singer and public figure Diana Gurzkaia ). Since 2010 the singer has performed at the annual international welfare festival "Белая трость" ("White Stick"), which is intended to support children and adults with visual impairments .

On January 22, 2017, Zara was a special guest at the ceremony honoring the winners of the Х. Applied creativity festivals for children with limited opportunities "Мы вместе" ("We are together"). The event was organized by the Department of Culture of Moscow City and the Fund for the Development of Social Cultural Initiatives “Кинематографист” (“Film Artists”). The artist opened the ceremony with the song Вера (“Faith”), gave a speech and also took part in educational workshops.


Awards of the Russian Federation

  • 2016 - Honorary title of "Honored Actress of the Russian Federation" for great merits in the development of domestic culture and art, as well as many years of fruitful activity.

Awards of the Ministry of Interior of the Russian Federation

  • 2011 - Medal "65th Anniversary of the Judicial Service of the Ministry of Interior of the Russian Federation".

Awards of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation

  • 2016 - Medal "participants of military operations in Syria," the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation (Regulation of the Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation Sergei Shoigu No. 69 of February 8, 2016). - for support in carrying out a mission that the armed forces of the Russian Federation was imposed during war operations in the Syrian Arab Republic .

Awards of the Federal Security Service of the Russian Federation

  • 2009 - Prize of the Federal Security Service of Russia in the field of art, nomination “Musical Art” (third prize) for the performance of the song Это просто война… (“This is just a war…”).

Awards of the subjects of the Russian Federation

  • 2009 - Medal "For Faith and Goodness" from the Kemerovo Oblast of the Russian Federation for public and charitable activity in the Kemerovo region.
  • 2015 - Honorary title “Honored Actress of the Republic of Karachay-Cherkessia ” for many years of creative activity and achievements in the field of culture.

Public awards and prizes of the Russian Federation

  • 2004 - winner of the Russian music award “Goldenes Grammophon” for the song Цвет ночи (“Color of the Night”).
  • 2005 - winner of the Russian music award "Golden Gramophone" for the song Вьюга ("Snow Flurry ").
  • 2007 - winner of the Russian music award “Golden Gramophone” for the song Любовь-красавица (“Beautiful Love”).
  • 2009 - winner of the Russian music award "Golden Gramophone" for the song Для неё ("For her").
  • 2010 - winner of the Russian music award "Goldenes Grammophon" for the song Недолюбила ("Too little love").
  • 2011 - winner of the Russian music award “Golden Gramophone” for the song Амели (“Amelie”).
  • 2012 - winner of the Russian music award "Goldenes Grammophon" for the song Любовь на бис ("Love as an encore") (in a duet with Alexander Rosenbaum ).
  • 2013 - Winner of the Russian television festival “Song of the Year” for the song Спящая красавица (“Sleeping Beauty”) (in a duet with Stas Mikhailov).
  • 2014 - Winner of the Russian television festival "Песня года" ("Song of the Year") for the song Счастье над землёй ("Happiness above the Earth").
  • 2015 - Winner of the Russian music award “Goldenes Grammophon” (anniversary ceremony ) for the song Недолюбила (“Too little love”).
  • 2015 - Winner of the Russian television festival "Песня года" ("Song of the Year") for the song Этот год любви ("This year of love").
  • 2016 - winner of the Russian music award “Golden Gramophone” for the song Ленинград (“Leningrad”).
  • 2016 - winner of the Russian television festival "Песня года" ("Song of the Year") for the song Ленинград ("Leningrad").
  • 2017 - Winner of the “Most Stylish People in Russia” award according to the version of the magazine HELLO! , Nomination "Classic".
  • 2017 - Winner of the VII. Russian Music Prize of the television channel RU.TV, nomination “Best video clip recorded abroad” (“Видео на выезде” (away video)) for the video clip for the song Миллиметры (“Millimeter”), which was recorded in the United Arab Emirates and Ukraine was added.
  • 2017 - holder of the XV. national music award of the TV channel MUS-TW (anniversary ceremony) in the field of pop music, special nomination “Best international duet” for a duet between the singer and the Italian tenor Andrea Bocelli .

International public titles, awards and prizes

  • 2014 - winner of the Russian-Belarusian Union Prize in the field of literature and art “for the creative realization of the idea of ​​strengthening friendship between the peoples of Belarus and Russia”.
  • 2016 - Honorary title “ UNESCO Artist for Peace” of the United Nations Organization for Education, Science and Culture “for the preservation of the values ​​and ideas of the organization and the development and consolidation of the idea of ​​peace and international understanding”.

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Зара исполнила свою мечту на «Славянском базаре» . 11th July 2017.
  2. Певица Зара прилетела в Сирию - выступить перед солдатами . Komsomolskaya Pravda , December 29, 2015.
  3. Певица Зара приехала в Сирию поддержать российских военных. February 28, 2016.
  4. Designation ceremony of Ms Zarifa Mgoyan as a UNESCO Artist for Peace. 5th December 2016.
  5. Указ Президента Российской Федерации от 26 октября 2016 года № 572 «О награждении государственными наградами Российской Федерации" . С. 22nd