Time in the annual cycle

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In the church year of the Roman Catholic Church, the times in the annual cycle are those times whose liturgy is not associated with the celebration of one of the two solemn feasts of Christmas and Easter or their preparation - Advent and Lent. It differs from the so - called coined times .

The time in the annual cycle extends from the weeks after the feast of Jesus' baptism (the Sunday after January 6th) to Ash Wednesday and then again after Pentecost until the first Vespers on the first Sunday in Advent . The liturgical color is green.

The reading order of the time in the annual cycle follows reading years I and II on the weekdays and reading years A, B and C on Sundays.

Days in Ordinary may at any time of the celebration of the Solemnity , Feast be displaced one offered or not offered Remembrance Day, the Sundays in Ordinary Time , however, only one of Mr. solid or a big celebration. The liturgical order of precedence , in which the weekdays of the time in the annual cycle are mentioned last, and the directory of each diocese regulate further details . In addition, the celebrant of a holy mass or, when celebrating the Liturgy of the Hours , the community or the individual prayer can choose between the day in the annual cycle and the celebration of a non-mandatory day of remembrance. A votive mass can also be celebrated on working days in the annual cycle instead of the daily mass .


  • Bishops' Conferences (ed.): Book of hours: the celebration of the Liturgy of the Hours for the Catholic dioceses of the German-speaking area. Authentic edition for liturgical use. , 1978–1980, Herder Verlag, Vol. 3. In the annual circle
  • Liturgia Horarum iuxta ritum Romanum (Officium Divinum ex decreto Sacrosancti Oecumenici Concilii Vaticani II instauratum auctoritate Pauli PP. VI promulgatum). Editio typica altera (cum versione Novae vulgatae inserta). Libreria Editrice Vaticana, 1985-1986, Vol. III. Tempus per annum, Hebdomadae I – XVII, Vol. IV. […], Hebdomadae XVIII – XXIV.