Timeline of Buddhism

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Historical overview of Buddhism . The following information on the dates of life of the Buddha is based on the currently prevailing so-called "corrected long chronology". Other researchers prefer the inconsistent “short chronology”, according to which the year of Buddha's death was somewhere between 420 and 368 BC. Is to be searched for. We strongly recommend reading the Chronology section in Siddharta Gautama .


Year (s) / century Events
563-483 BC Chr. Siddhartha Gautama Buddha
534 BC Chr. At the age of 29, Siddhartha Gautama Buddha became an ascetic in search of salvation.
528 BC Chr. At the age of 35, Siddhartha Gautama Buddha achieved complete enlightenment.
483 BC Chr. Council of Rajagriha (India)
383 BC Chr. Council of Vaishali (India)
4th century BC Chr. Origin of the Hinayana
280 BC Chr. Origin of the Pudgalavada (Vatsiputriya)
268–232 BC Chr. Emperor Ashoka , ruler of the Maurya dynasty in India
253 BC Chr. Council of Pataliputra ( India )
244 BC Chr. Origin of the Sarvastivada
240 BC Chr. Buddhism in Sri Lanka
80 BC Chr. Writing of the Pali Canon in Sri Lanka
1st century BC Chr. Origin of the Mahayana
1st century
1st century Development of the school of faith ( amidism )
65 Buddhism in China
1./2. century King Kanishka I , ruler of the Kushanas (Indo-Scythians)
2nd century
100-165 Probable lifetime of Nagarjuna , founder of the Madhyamaka system (school of Madhyamika)
150 Origin of the Sautrantika

middle Ages

Year (s) / century Events
3rd century
3rd century Origin of the lotus school (Saddharmapundarika)
3rd century Origin of the tantric schools of Buddhism in India
3rd century Harivarman , philosopher of the Sautrantika
3rd century – 5th Century Construction of the cave temples in the Bamiyan Valley ( Afghanistan )
4th century
372 Buddhism in Korea
4th century Asanga and Vasubandhu , founders of the Vijñānavāda (Yogacara) system
5th century
5th century Origin of Jingtu-zong ( Amitabha worship) in China
5th century Establishment of the monastic university of Nalanda (largest teaching center in the ancient world)
5th century Buddhagosa , most important scholastic of Theravada
6th century
532 Buddhism in Japan
6th century Bodhidharma , founder of the Chan ( Zen ) school in China
6th century Foundation of Tiantai-zong in China
8th century
8th century Transmission of the Chakrasamvara tantra through the Sambhogakaya - Dakini Vajravarahi
8th century Introduction of Buddhism in Tibet by Trisong Detsen , Padmasambhava and Shantaraksita
8th century Origin of the Nara sects in Japan: Sanron-shū , Jōjitsu-shū , Kusha-shū , Hossō-shū , Kegon-shū and Risshū
767-822 Dengyo Daishi ( Saichō ), founder of the Tendai-shū in Japan
774-835 Kobo Daishi ( Kūkai ), founder of the Shingon-shū in Japan
797 Inauguration of the 1st monastery in Samye Tibet , establishment of the Nyingma school
750-1199 Pala (dynasty) of Bengal
9th century
9th century Establishment of Borobudur on Java (Indonesia)
9th century Origin of the Linji-zong (jap- Rinzai-shū ) in China
9th century Transmission of the Kalachakra tantra
10th century
982-1054 Atisha , founder of the Kadampa in Tibet
11th century
1073 Creation of the Sakyapa in Tibet by Khön Könchog Gyalpo
11./12. Century Origin of the Kagyüpa in Tibet by Marpa the translator
1133-1212 Hōnen Shonin (Genku), founder of the Jōdo-shū in Japan
12th Century
1141-1215 Eisai Zenji , founder of the Rinzai-shū in Japan
1173-1263 Shinran Shonin, founder of the Jōdo-Shinshū in Japan
1199 the Muslims under General Muhammed ibn Bhaktyar destroy Nalanda , the last Indian center of Buddhism
13th Century
1200-1253 Dogen Zenji , founder of the Sōtō-shū in Japan
1222-1282 Nichiren , the schools of Nichiren Buddhism in Japan refer to him
14th Century
1357-1419 Tsongkhapa , founder of Gelugpa in Tibet
14th century Creation of the New Bon
16th Century
1580 Establishment of a seminary at Nichiren-shū, now Risshō University

Modern times

Year (s) / century Events
17th century
1686-1769 Hakuin Zenji , Japanese Zen master and reformer of the Rinzai tradition
17th century Establishment of the Potala Palace by the 5th Dalai Lama
18th century
19th century
1788-1860 Arthur Schopenhauer , German philosopher significantly influenced by Buddhism
1864-1933 Anagarika Dharmapala , Sinhala reformer of Theravada
1870-1966 Daisetz Teitaro Suzuki , Zen scholar in Japan
1876 Formal establishment of the Nichiren-shū
1891-1956 Bhimrao Ramji Ambedkar , innovator of Buddhism in India
1898-1985 Lama Anagarika Govinda (EL Hoffmann), Buddhist scholar, founder of the Arya Maitreya Mandala
20th century
20th century Buddhism comes to the western world
1905-1993 Buddhadasa Bhikkhu , Thai Theravada reform monk
1914-1982 Taisen Deshimaru Roshi, Japanese master of Sōtō- Zen , founder of the first Zen temple in Europe
1914 Foundation of the Kokuchūkai by Tanaka Chigaku
1920-1970 Kulatissa Nanda Jayatilleke, Sri Lankan Reform Buddhist
1922 Nichiren-Shōshū , formal establishment
1926 Thich Nhat Hanh , Vietnamese monk and representative of the Buddhist peace movement
1933 Sulak Sivaraksa , Thai Reform Buddhist
1936 Foundation of Shinnyo-En in Japan
1937 Foundation of Sōka Gakkai in Japan
1938 Foundation of the Risshō Kōseikai in Japan
1951 The Chinese People's Liberation Army invades Tibet , the destruction of the country's Buddhist culture begins
1950 Foundation of the World Fellowship of Buddhists (international Buddhist umbrella organization)
1954-1956 Theravada Council in Burma
1955 Foundation of the German Buddhist Union
1956 Bhimrao Ramji Ambedkar and with him around 400,000 Dalits convert to Buddhism
1959 Flight of the XIV Dalai Lama into exile in India
1975 Foundation of the European Buddhist Union
1983 Full legal recognition of Buddhism in Austria
1987 Establishment of Sakyadhita (International Association of Buddhist Women) in Bodhgaya , India
1989 INEB (International Network of Engaged Buddhists) founded
1991 "Excommunication" of some SGI leaders, including Daisaku Ikeda , from the Nichiren Shōshū
1997 "Excommunication" of the followers of the Sōka Gakkai from the Nichiren-Shōshū
21st century
2000 International recognition of the Vesakh holiday by the UN
2001 Bamiyan Buddha statues destroyed by Taliban .
2004 Some Buddhist monks in Sri Lanka win 9 seats for their party (JHU - Jathika Hela Urumaya ) in the general election

See also

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. long and short chronology at books.google.de, accessed on May 14, 2017.
  2. ^ Fire in the Lotus, p. 291