Brick yellow slime head

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Brick yellow slime head

Brick yellow mucous head ( Cortinarius varius )

Class : Agaricomycetes
Subclass : Agaricomycetidae
Order : Mushroom-like (Agaricales)
Family : Veil relatives (Cortinariaceae)
Genre : Veils ( Cortinarius )
Type : Brick yellow slime head
Scientific name
Cortinarius varius
( Schaeff  .: Fr. ) Fr.

The brick yellow Schleimkopf ( Cortinarius varius ), also called Semmelbrauner or Semmelgelber Schleimkopf , is an edible type of mushroom from the family of the veil relatives (Cortinariaceae).


Fruiting bodies of the roll-yellow mucous head with yellow-reddish hat colors and lilac-purple lamellae when young

Macroscopic features

The brick-yellow mucous head fructifies in groups. The (3–) 4–12 cm diameter hat is hemispherical when young, later arched and finally flattened. The smooth, dry, shiny and moist, greasy hat skin has a light brown to reddish brown color. The whitish meat ( trama ) has no particular smell and tastes mild. It turns chrome yellow on contact with potassium hydroxide (KOH), sodium hydroxide (NaOH) or ammonia solution . The lamellae, which are bulging and close-fitting on the stem , are lilac-purple and brown in color with increasing spore maturity. The cobweb-like partial shell ( Cortina ), which gives the genus its name, is made of fine, silky fibers and the remains of it hanging on the edge of the hat disappear early, depending on the weather. The whitish, club-shaped stalk becomes 5–8 (–12) cm long and is full-bodied, fibrous and has a ring zone left by the cortina .

Microscopic features

The spores measure 9.5-15 x 5.5-7.5 micrometers. They are brown, almond-shaped, decorated with warty ornaments and have a distinct, oblique helical appendix .

Species delimitation

Its genus, the genus of the veils, includes many similar species, many poisonous - including potentially fatal, many inedible and still many of unknown toxicity. The most important distinguishing features for the brick yellow Schleimkopf are the hat, lamella and flesh colors.

Ecology and phenology

It prefers to live in calcareous soils in a mycorrhizal symbiosis with conifers.

It fructifies between July and October until the first frost.


It is collected as an edible mushroom.

Systematics and taxonomy

The first known scientific description of the species comes from Jacob Christian Schäffer . He described it in 1774 as Agaricus varius . It was given its current name in 1838 by Elias Magnus Fries .


  1. Gerlinde Hausner: Mushrooms . The most important edible and poison mushrooms. 2nd Edition. BLV Verlagsgesellschaft mbH, Munich 1991, ISBN 3-405-13811-6 , p. 104 .
  2. Hans E. Laux: The great cosmos mushroom guide. All edible mushrooms with their poisonous doppelgangers. Franckh-Kosmos, Stuttgart 2001, ISBN 3-440-08457-4 , p. 374.
  3. Hans E. Laux: Edible mushrooms and their poisonous doppelgangers . Collect mushrooms - the right way. Kosmos Verlags-GmbH, Stuttgart 2005, ISBN 978-3-440-10240-4 , p. 41 .
  4. Markus Flück: Which mushroom is that? 3. Edition. Franckh-Kosmos Verlag, Stuttgart 2009, ISBN 978-3-440-11561-9 , pp. 293 .
  5. ^ Jacob Christian Schäffer: Fungorum qui in Bavaria et Palatinatu Nascuntur Icones . tape 4 , 1774, pp. 20 (Latin).
  6. ^ Elias Magnus Fries: Epicrisis systematis mycologici . seu synopsis hymenomycetum. Typographia Academica, Upsala 1838, p. 258 (Latin, ).

Web links

Commons : Cortinarius varius  - collection of images, videos and audio files