Spiš Pienines

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Spiš Pienines
View from Mount Wdżar

View from Mount Wdżar

Highest peak Żar ( 883  m npm )
location Poland
part of Western Carpathians
Zipser Pieninen (Poland)
Spiš Pienines
Coordinates 49 ° 25 '  N , 20 ° 14'  E Coordinates: 49 ° 25 '  N , 20 ° 14'  E

The Zipser Pieninen (Polish: Pieniny Spiskie ) are a mountain range in the Pieninen mountain range in the Polish Lesser Poland Voivodeship in the Powiat Tatrzański district and the Łapsze Niżne municipality . It is located in the historical region of Spiš .


The mountains are located north of the Pogórze Spiskie (the limit is the Łapszanka valley ), south of the Gorce (the limit is the Jezioro Czorsztyńskie reservoir ), east of the Middle Pienines (the limit is the Jezioro Czorsztyńskie) and west of the Pogórze is the Bukowińskie (the border is the Bukowińskie Białka ), in the Pieniny Mountains . It has the character of a low mountain range . The highest point is at 883 m. ü.NN the Żar .


The Spiš Pienines consist to a large extent of limestone from the Jura. Jagged limestone cliffs can be found especially on their northern edge.


The peaks of the Spis Pienines include:

Name of the summit German name Height (m above sea level) annotation
Żar 883 Highest mountain of the Spiš Pienines, also called Branisko
Hombark Łapszański Lapscher Homberg (?) 825
Gajna Skała 782
Dziurawa Skała Holey rock 748
Czarna Góra Schwarzberg 743
Hombark Niedzicki Netzdorfer Homberg (?) 743
Czarna Góra Schwarzberg 743
Cisówka 743
Jurgowska Góra Jurgau mountain 733
Ostra Gora Sharp mountain 733
Barwinkowa 725
Czarna Góra Schwarzberg 710
Sołtysia Góra Schultheissberg 703
Ślipce 703
Tynusia Góra


The mountains have a richer flora than the other, higher mountains that surround them. A small part of the reservoir is part of the Pieninen National Park .


The Spis Pienines are densely populated and developed for tourism. The reservoir, which is also used as a bathing lake, is located on the northern edge. The Niedzica Castle in Niedzica-Zamek , as well as the nature reserves Zielone Skałki near Falsztyn , Dursztyńskie Skałki near Dursztyn and the Białka Gorge near Krempachy are located in the Spis Pieninen .

Web links

Commons : Pieniny Spiskie  - collection of pictures, videos and audio files


  • Witold Henryk Paryski, Zofia Radwańska-Paryska, Wielka encyklopedia tatrzańska, 2004, Wydawnictwo Górskie, Poronin, ISBN 83-7104-009-1


View from Mount Wdżar to the Spiš Pieniny Mountains with the
Tatras in the background