Zoran Rant

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Zoran Rant (born September 14, 1904 in Ljubljana , † February 12, 1972 in Munich ) was a Slovenian mechanical engineer . He coined the two terms exergy for technical ability to work and anergy for energy that cannot be used.

Zoran Rant (ca.1964)


Zoran Rant was born on September 14, 1904 in Ljubljana. His father, Dr. Alojzij Rant, was a lawyer and worked in the administration of the Austro-Hungarian monarchy. His mother Tilka came from a wealthy family in Borovnica near Ljubljana. The family had four children. The firstborn son died in childbirth, Zoran was the second child. Later a younger brother and sister joined them.

He went to the humanistic grammar school in Ljubljana until 1922 and then studied at the Technical University in Vienna until 1926. He did his military service in the Yugoslav Navy and from 1928 he worked as an engineer in the Lukavac soda factory ( Solvay Group), where he last held the post of technical director. Here he met his future wife Maro Lakić, with whom he had three daughters. After the Second World War, he moved from industry to the University of Ljubljana in 1946 and became a university lecturer. He received his PhD in 1950 on "Energy Assessment of the Soda Making Process, " a topic from his time at Solvay.

In October 1962, Zoran Rant left the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering at the University of Ljubljana and accepted the invitation from the Technical University of Braunschweig to fill a newly established chair in process engineering. With the creation of the new chair, Rant began setting up a new institute for process engineering as quickly as possible. The new building with a usable area of ​​2000 m² began in November 1964, and in September 1966 a four-story building was ready to move into. In 1971 he received the Arnold Eucken Medal , which is awarded by the Research Society for Process Technology.

Zoran Rant died on February 12, 1972 during an 80th birthday stay in Munich.



  • Zoran Rant: Exergy, a new word for »technical work ability« , in: Research in the field of engineering (22) 1956/1 , pp. 36–37.
  • Zoran Rant: Evaporation in theory and practice , Dresden: Theodor Steinkopff Verlag, 1959.
  • Zoran Rant: Exergy and Anergy , in: Wissenschaftliche Zeitschrift der TU Dresden (3) 1964/4, pp. 1145–1149.
  • Zoran Rant: The production of soda by the Solvay process: A procedural representation , Stuttgart: Ferdinand Enke Verlag, 1968.
  • Zoran Rant, Branko Gašperšič: A general temperature-enthalpy-exergy diagram for combustion gases , Düsseldorf: VDI-Verlag, 1972.

Individual evidence

  1. Biography of Zoran Rant (in English)
  2. ^ List of the Arnold Eucken Prize winners
  3. ^ Jürgen Krey: Zoran Rant. In: On the history of science. Wolfgang Augustin, 2001, accessed on June 23, 2018 .