Equateur (Province)

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Bas-Uele Équateur Haut-Katanga Haut-Lomami Haut-Uele Ituri Kasaï Kasaï-Central Kasaï-Oriental Kinshasa Kongo Central Kwango Kwilu Lomami Lualaba Mai-Ndombe Maniema Mongala Nord-Kivu Nord-Ubangi Sankuru Sud-Kivu Sud-Ubangi Tanganyika Tshopo Tshuapamap
About this picture
country Congo Democratic RepublicDemocratic Republic of Congo Democratic Republic of Congo
Provincial capital Mbandaka
National language Lingala
surface 103,902 km²
population 1,528,000 (2015)
Population density 14.7
ISO 3166-2 CD EQ

Equateur ( Equator ) is a province of the Democratic Republic of the Congo with 1,528,000 inhabitants. The capital is Mbandaka .

Street scene in Mbandaka
Teacher training in Mbandaka in 2017


Equateur is located in the north-west of the country and borders in the north with Sud-Ubangi , in the north-east with Mongala , in the east with Tshuapa , in the south with Mai-Ndombe and in the west with the Republic of the Congo .


The territory of the province of Equateur belonged since 1917 to the same province Equateur , which, however, repeatedly told regional and name changes. According to the administrative reform announced in 2005, Equateur should be divided into five new provinces. The reform was postponed several times and canceled in 2011, but finally implemented in 2015. This shrank the province of Equateur to its present size.