Transitional tariff

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A transitional tariff is a special type of tariff for association tariffs for local public transport . These are offered for trips to neighboring networks, but mostly only in certain sub-areas of the affected network areas. The aim is to avoid double tariffs and thus offer a price advantage compared to individual tariffs for the included network areas. Transitional tariffs generally relate to two network tariff areas, corresponding regulations for three or more different areas are an absolute exception. In particular, they serve to avoid lining up tickets from the participating associations; Such a stringing together is excluded in many tariff regulations or conditions of carriage .

The so-called tariff collar is a special form of transitional tariffs . In certain transitional areas or on certain routes outside a network area, the relevant network tariff may apply for cross-border journeys, while a third-party tariff applies for journeys within this "collar area". An example even across national borders is the Münster – Enschede railway line : the Münsterland tariff is valid as far as Enschede in the Netherlands, but only Dutch tariffs apply within Enschede, including the stops on Dutch territory.

In general, a transitional tariff takes over the structure and pricing of one of the tariff associations concerned. However, the transport and tariff regulations of the association (or company) responsible for the area apply in the network areas used. This can result in differences between the network and transitional tariffs - for example, when you can take your ticket with you or take your bike with you - which make the corresponding offers, which are actually easy to understand, nevertheless confusing. Network cards are often not valid in transition areas, and the range of tickets may also be limited. In some regions, attempts are therefore being made to replace transitional tariffs , for example, with national local transport tariffs ( NRW tariff , Schleswig-Holstein tariff ). However, the NRW tariff is not a network tariff, but only includes a tariff surcharge for all passengers in order to finance the connecting trips in urban areas. In addition to this state tariff, there are numerous transitional tariffs of the individual tariff associations in NRW .

Transitional tariffs can also be replaced by connecting tickets. This option exists in NRW between the network tariff and the NRW tariff (calculated from the last stop in the area of ​​validity of a season ticket). There are no transitional tariffs in the transition between the DB local transport tariff and tariff associations. In some cases, it is possible to buy tickets for connecting routes to adjacent tariff zones from machines on the train. The normal case, however, is a continuous ticket at the DB tariff, a series of different (network) tickets is excluded. As an alternative, the passenger only has the option of getting off at the network border, purchasing a new ticket and continuing the journey with the next train. However, this is only possible if stops belong to several network areas or if tariff areas overlap. Transitional tariffs are particularly important for frequent travelers with season tickets for constant, continuous transport at the network tariff across borders or for occasional connecting trips beyond areas of validity.

Such transitional tariffs exist in many places, for example between RMV and RNN in the area between Frankfurt and Idar-Oberstein. The transitional tariff VOS-Plus for the tariff association “Der Sechser” ( OWL Verkehr GmbH ), which was created exclusively for the continuous tariff setting of the Osnabrück – Bielefeld railway line, is also applicable across countries .

The problem of connecting traffic beyond tariff limits also exists outside of associations, for example with DB regional tickets , when countries border one another but there are no stops with the same validity of two country offers. In order to enable a combination of these tickets without additional payments, the DB Conditions of Carriage contain the sentence. " For journeys with an adjoining country ticket (...) there is no need to buy tickets up to the first or from the last scheduled stop in the area of ​​validity. " (The tickets are not valid up to the national borders).

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Examples in the article Verkehrsverbund Rhein-Sieg # transitional tariffs

Web links

Example of a transitional tariff with a different range of tickets for the associations concerned and a special extension of a common tariff that is normally not valid on rail routes (VOS → "VOS plus"): Nordwestbahn / tariff areas / transitional tariff

Individual evidence

  1. conditions of carriage and charges for interconnection of the DB-country tickets, valid from 13 December 2009. Source: