(2511) Patterson

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(2511) Patterson
Properties of the orbit ( animation )
Epoch:  February 16, 2017 ( JD 2,457,800.5)
Orbit type Main belt asteroid
Major semi-axis 2.2984  AU
eccentricity 0.1040
Perihelion - aphelion 2.0594 AU - 2.5375 AU
Inclination of the orbit plane 8.0462 °
Length of the ascending node 85.5492 °
Argument of the periapsis 190.4714 °
Sidereal period 3.48 a
Mean orbital velocity 19.64 km / s
Physical Properties
Medium diameter 7.849 ± 0.174 km
Albedo 0.287
Rotation period 4.144 h
Absolute brightness 12.7 mag
Spectral class SMASSII V
Explorer Carolyn Shoemaker
Date of discovery June 11, 1980
Another name 1980 LM , 1934 CK, 1965 AD, 1974 VE 2 , 1979 BS
Source: Unless otherwise stated, the data comes from JPL Small-Body Database Browser . The affiliation to an asteroid family is automatically determined from the AstDyS-2 database . Please also note the note on asteroid items.

(2511) Patterson is an asteroid of the main belt , which from the June 11, 1980 American US astronomer Carolyn Shoemaker at Palomar Observatory ( observatory code 675) about 80 kilometers northeast of San Diego in California was discovered.

The asteroid was named after the US geochemist Clair Cameron Patterson (1922–1995), who determined the age of the earth using the uranium-lead dating method .

See also

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