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The word endings -skop and -skopie come from the ancient Greek σκοπεῖν skopein , German for ' to look at' . Mostly a process or a device technology (copy) or the associated device (scope) with which something is observed or measured is referred to. Both endings, -skopy and -skop, corresponding to one another, are not always in use, especially if there is no clear assignment of a device to a technology being used or no clear manipulation method to a defined device. The most common uses of the word endings -skopie and -skop can be found in medical technology , especially in gastroenterology and ophthalmology .

There are also exceptions to the device-related use of the word endings:

  • Demoscopy (opinion research) and “Demoskop” for opinion researchers.
  • Horoscope stands for a construct of interpretation. The term "horoscopy" does not exist.
  • Hygroscopy describes a property and is therefore usually used as an adjective hygroscopic .
  • Monoscopy does not exist as a noun, but the adjective monoscopic is used for the property of two-dimensional images without an impression of depth, in contrast to stereoscopic images
  • Uroscopy or urination is a diagnostic procedure relevant to medical history that is not assigned to a specific device.

Exercise / device

Medical applications:

Dermatology :

Gastroenterology :

Gynecology :


Ophthalmology :

Special devices:

Orthopedics :

Perceptual Psychology

Radiology :

Photo and film

Other uses

See also