300 miles to heaven

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German title 300 miles to heaven
Original title 300 mil do nieba
Country of production Poland / Denmark / France
original language Polish
Publishing year 1989
length 90 minutes
Director Maciej Dejczer
script Cezary Harasimowicz
Maciej Dejczer
music Michał Lorenc
camera Krzysztof Ptak
cut Yaroslav Voleko

300 miles to heaven (original title: 300 mil do nieba ) is a film by the Polish director Maciej Dejczer from 1989, which was broadcast on June 6, 1990 in Germany on ZDF . In addition, the film was shown in 2006 at the 48th Nordic Film Days in Lübeck.


The Polish director's first film is based on a true story. Dejczer designed his film in desolate colors and describes a fate that was conjured up by the political and economic situation in Poland in 1985. But he also describes the social constraints of Denmark, which turns out to be anything but the “land of promise” for the children. Still, it offers more opportunities than their home. The soundtrack is by Michał Lorenc .

“Without a trace of melodrama, the telephone conversation with the parents is probably the most moving scene. What better way to express the suffering of the former Polish conditions than a mother who tells her children not to come back? "

- Günter H. Jekubzik : filmtabs.de


Jędrek and Grześ grew up in very poor conditions in Poland in the mid-1980s. The father of the two brothers had lost his job as a history teacher for political reasons, and so the family got into dire straits. At first the boys try to earn a little money by working illegally. But then they decide together with Elka, Grześ's friend, to look for a better life in the West and a way to support their parents financially. Hidden under a truck to flee from their home to Denmark. However, they have to leave Elka behind because she had an accident. There they are picked up and placed in a refugee camp. The Danish authorities decide to send the underage children back to Poland. Their parents oppose the extradition request so that they are deprived of custody of the children. However, they are convinced that this will give their children better opportunities.

Awards (selection)

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. a b 300 miles to heaven (PDF; 127 kB) on luebeck.de, accessed on November 25, 2013.
  2. a b content on zweiausendeins.de, accessed on November 25, 2013.
  3. Günter H. Jekubzik: 300 miles to heaven on filmtabs.de, accessed on November 25, 2013.
  4. 300 miles to heaven on kjk-muenchen.de, accessed on November 25, 2013.
  5. All films from the 1980s nominated for the European Film Award on moviepilot.de, accessed on November 25, 2013.