ATV Arminia in Tübingen

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Academic gymnastics association Arminia

coat of arms Circle
Coat of arms of the Academic Gymnastics Association Arminia zu Tübingen {{{ZirkelAltText}}}
Basic data
University location: Tübingen
University / s: Eberhard Karls University
Founding: April 25, 1887
Corporation association : Academic gymnastics federation
Type of Confederation: Men's association
Position to the scale : not striking
Motto: Fearless and faithful!
Field shout ( Panier ): Arminia be the banner
Total members: about 160
Active: 22nd

The Academic Gymnastics Association Arminia zu Tübingen is an unbeatable sports association at the Eberhard Karls University in Tübingen. She is committed to the black principle and thus refrains from wearing colors - but leads them. It was founded on April 25, 1887 and is a member of the Academic Gymnastics Association . While the ATB is a mixed umbrella organization , i.e. both men and women, the ATV Arminia zu Tübingen is a pure male association.



While fencing, also known as timpani , is the connecting element in other student associations , it is sport in the ATB associations. At ATV Arminia zu Tübingen, this is particularly evident in the weekly soccer training . Furthermore, the active students usually do other sports individually. In addition to soccer players, handball players , volleyball players , swimmers , runners , gymnasts and many other athletes come together. The sporting orientation in the ATB is underlined by various tournament offers within the umbrella organization. The ATV Arminia zu Tübingen mainly takes part in the following tournaments:

In addition, the ATB festival takes place every 3 years in different venues. All ATB connections come together on one weekend to compete in all sports practiced in the ATB.


All male students of the Eberhard-Karls-Universität Tübingen can become active members.

As usual in the ATB, the ATV Arminia zu Tübingen gives beer names to their foxes . These names are selected by a special naming convention. With the adoption of the beer name, the Fux is completely absorbed and becomes a guy . The historical background of this naming is the overcoming or fading out of social stratifications and privileges and the equality of all members. As usual in the ATB, the duo comment applies.


The Arminenhaus 2010

Like most Tübingen connections, ATV Arminia zu Tübingen also has a house. The arminenhaus of the third generation is located on the Österberg in Tübingen.


The ATV Arminia zu Tübingen is not colored, but colored (" black principle "). This means that a member does not express their affiliation by wearing a hat and ribbon . On the other hand, one member has these colors at the tip . This is to rule out that the members stand out from the general student body by strikingly worn colors. In addition, all ATB members wear the ATB pin on their suit. According to the black principle, this is black and kept very small. The colors of the connection are, read from bottom to top: light red - white - carmine red.

coat of arms

The coat of arms shows the Turner cross , which consists of four "F" s, which stand for the Turner motto: " fresh, pious, happy, free " , in the top right of the heraldic in white on red . Heraldic to the left is the circle and the year the association was founded. The Württemberg coat of arms can be seen heraldically on the lower right and the colors of the ATV Arminia zu Tübingen on the left.


Arminen, in red and white costumes, during the punt race in 2009

As with every corporation in Tübingen, an ATV Arminia punt is anchored in the Neckar. From the Hölderlin Tower , the Tübingen Neckar can be navigated during the warm seasons from April to October. The ATV Arminia zu Tübingen also takes part in the annual Tübingen punt race , in which more than 50 boats from associations, student councils, dormitories and corporations now take part.


Every connection is based on certain principles: as an open and tolerant connection, ATV Arminia zu Tübingen is politically, religiously and ethnically independent. The connection is characterized by three components:

  • Sports component: This component came up with the student gymnastics movement under gymnastics father Jahn . Back then they were called “physical exercises”, but they still serve their purpose today: Sport promotes and shapes a community and also the character or personality of the individual (motto of the ATB “ mens sana in corpore sano ”, according to: “A healthy person Mind in a Healthy Body ”).
  • Academic component: As the name suggests, a student union consists of students who have their studies as a permanent task ahead of them. The challenge here is that the members of ATV Arminia zu Tübingen aspire to themselves to get the best out of their studies. They find support and support in the community.
  • Social component: The fraternal life shapes and promotes human and moral relationships through events, dealing with alumni and living together in a fraternity house. Tasks and organizational challenges arising in connection life also prepare for working life after graduation and promote social skills .

In addition to the principles, there are a few more principles:


Batch photo in Vollwichs from the early days

The year 1887

  • April 25th: Foundation of the ATV by seven boys from the ATV Gothania Jena, Germania Munich and the ATV zu Berlin with the help of the Tübingen gymnastics community (one year later there were already 36 active members in the ATV)
  • as the Academic Gymnastics Club Tübingen: "ATV Tübingen".
  • August 2nd: Joining the ATB on the ATB day in Jena
  • As a corporation in Tübingen, their own weapons ( sabers ), jerks , the German beer comment , compulsory drinking and unconditional satisfaction were introduced.

The first steps

  • January 23, 1892: Extension of the name to "ATV Arminia Tübingen" and the foundation of the " Alt-Herren " association
  • January 17, 1894 Quiet Meeting (of the ATB Southern Corporations)
  • Fencing was made compulsory and weapons were acquired. The background to this was the wish to establish oneself in the fraternity scene (1895)
  • The first house in Neckarhalde 35 is occupied (WS 1902/03)
    1. Arminenhaus in Neckarhalde 35 (from 1902)
    Location of the 1st Arminenhaus on the Neckar (front left in the picture)

The gymnastics connection

  • June 19, 1911: Renewed name changes to "Academic Gymnastics Association Arminia zu Tübingen"
  • The ATV enjoys the reputation of being the best gymnast among the corporations and manages the treasury of the Tübingen Corporations Committee. But ATV Arminia zu Tübingen was also known for its successful saber games (WS 1912/13)
  • The beer comment is adapted to the sport: There is no compulsory drink for those who compete the next day (1912).
  • Additional sports are introduced: athletics and ball games

The influence of the First World War

Arminia has suffered many losses: liaison operations are resumed with injured returnees. A generous donation from an old man saved Arminia from bankruptcy. Nevertheless, the liaison house was lost - the exact background to this is no longer known.

  • 1920/21 The pub culture declines, there is more discussion.
  • In 1927 (SoSe) the second house is occupied, this time on the Österberg (near today's Österbergwiese)

The 1930s

  • Under duress, the Convention principle must give way to the Führer principle . From now on, corporations are generally in a difficult position. As a result, the number of active members drops rapidly (1933)!
  • Few of the remaining people tried to keep the Arminia, but there was a forced merger with the connections Luginsland and Lichtenstein to the Kameradschaft York and thus a forced integration into the National Socialist German Student Union (NSDStB), which means the dissolution of the ATV Arminia zu Tübingen. Couleur objects and the Arminenhaus went into the possession of the National Socialists (1935).
Turn certificate from the IV. ATB-Fest for the ATV in their early years

After the Second World War

  • Like everyone in Germany, the Arminia will feel the full extent of the destruction and the many victims of the Second World War .
  • A friend of Arminia, not an Armine himself, hides a few couleur items throughout the war, which are available to Arminia again after the war.
  • The Arminenhaus on the Österberg did not survive the war either.
  • First meeting of the remaining Armines on the Rosenau - on the initiative of two old men. (1948)


  • May 24, 1953 Re-establishment of the old men's association of Arminia on the ATB day in Minden.
  • On May 1, 1954, Aktivitas was re-established with the support of the ATV Albertia Göttingen, which had been re-established for a long time. In the course of the reconstruction, fencing, compulsory drinking and pubs were dispensed with. With the acquisition of a barrack in the Lustnauer Allee, a house was moved again for the beginning.
  • In 1955 the Arminia finally returned to the ATB.
  • ATV Arminia zu Tübingen moves into its third and current house (apart from the barracks). Once again, this is possible thanks to the generosity of a few old men. In addition, the armines provide the suburb in the ATB (which at this point already consists of 29 corporations). This year the XII. ATB festival with 3000 visitors took place in Reutlingen (1957).
  • A separate beer comment , adapted to the sportiness of the connection, is introduced and thus detached from the “General German Beer Comment” (1959).

The 1960s

ATV Arminia zu Tübingen has recovered from the Second World War and experiences this in the form of numerous sporting successes. She is also successful at the Tübingen punt race . Today's beer glut is inaugurated in winter term 66/67.

The 1970s

  • In accordance with the student movement, several constitutional reforms are being carried out (titles, rights and obligations are being "adjusted"). Aktivitas is concerned with the question of women.
  • You separate yourself from the batch wichs , sashes , bodysuits and bars (these only take place occasionally).

The 1980s

  • At the beginning, the Aktivitas reached a numerical low
  • It is attracted: Fuxenstunden (then Philosopher hours), body proportions and few required courses are introduced (1988)

The 1990s

  • The armines are again represented in the suburb of the ATB (1996)
  • After the renewed issue of the ladies 'question (women are now allowed in the ATB of every corporation) and the attempt to integrate them into the Arminia, the principle of the men's union prevails and the ladies' question comes to a standstill.
  • Bars are now taking place more frequently again (including cross bars with Tübingen and ATB affiliated connections).
  • From now on, only the sashes of the earlier batch wicks will be worn on highly official occasions by the batches.

The 2000s

  • Introduction of a regular Arminenparty for the Tübingen student world (2004)
  • several, successive and large-scale renovations by Aktivitas in the fraternity house
  • Return to the traditional titles (tutor = Fuxmajor, active = boy, member assembly = convent, ...) (2007).
  • The introduction of a fuxen test, at the great request of Aktivitas, and the anchoring of the German sports badge in the statutes (as an achievement of the boys) took place in 2010.

Current condition

  • The number of activities remains constant and the Arminenhaus is always fully inhabited. In contrast to some other corporations, ATV Arminia zu Tübingen does not have any problems with the active youth. The old rule is also more or less constant.
  • Sport in any form takes center stage right after graduation. The active people travel all over Germany every year to take part in sports tournaments.
  • Traditions such as For example, the pubs (up to three per semester) and regular conventions are maintained and theoretical knowledge is passed on and preserved in Fuxen lessons and as a Fuxen folder, without neglecting the modern and contemporary.


  • Werner Kratsch (ed.): The connection system in Tübingen . Documentation in the year of the university anniversary in 1977. Altherrenschaft der Tübingerverbindungen, Tübingen 1977. , pp. 35–36.
  • Old gentlemen's association of the ATB (ed.): 100 years of the Academic Gymnastics Association 1883–1983. Melsungen 1983, pp. 348-349.

Individual evidence

  1. ^ EH Eberhard: Handbook of the student liaison system. Leipzig, 1924/25, p. 111.

Web links