Abū l-Hasan al-Qābisī

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Abū l-Hasan ʿAlī ibn Muhammad al-Qābisī al-Maʿāfirī ( Arabic أبو الحسن علي بن محمد القابسي المعافري, DMG Abū l-Ḥasan ʿAlī b. Muḥammad al-Qābisī al-Maʿāfirī ; born May 30, 936 Kairouan ; died October 21, 1012 ibid) was one of the most important Malikite hadith and fiqh scholars in North Africa during the reign of the Zīrids . He was also the author of one of the first Arabic treatises on didactic and educational issues.


Al-Qābisī's family belonged to the South Arabian tribe of Maʿāfir. He himself grew up in Kairouan. He is said to have received his Nisba al-Qābisī, which refers to the city of Gabes , because his paternal uncle used to tie his turban in the manner of the Gabes people. Al-Qābisī's most important teachers in Ifrīqiya were Abū l-ʿAbbās al-Ibyānī, a teacher from Tunis who sympathized with the Shafiites , Ibn Masrūr ad-Dabbāgh, and Darrās ibn Ismāʿīl al-Fāsī, a follower of the Ashʿarīya . He was also influenced by two pious men from al-Qairawān, as-Sabāʾī and al-Jabanyānī. In September 963 he went on a long journey to the Orient, during which he also performed the Hajj . On the trip he was accompanied by Darrās al-Fāsī and the Andalusian al-Asilī, who, since he was blind, also served as scribes. During his stay in the Orient he studied with various scholars in Mecca and in Egypt.

After his return to Kairouan in 967, al-Qābisī taught the various Koranic readings and later also Fiqh . He had a preference for the work of the Egyptian Mālikite Ibn al-Mauwāz (d. 883) and as a theologian sympathies for the Ashʿarīya. Above all, he was active as a traditionalist and took care of the spread of Saheeh al-Buchari in the Maghreb . A review of the work attributed to him is known to this day.

After the death of Ibn Abī Zayd (d. 996), al-Qābisī was considered the most important legal scholar of al-Qairawān. He had an extremely large number of students. Towards the end of his life he was still teaching 80 students from al-Qairawān, al-Andalus and the Maghreb.

In the Arabic biographical entries on al-Qābisī, his great piety is emphasized above all. Even stories were told that his prayers were answered in a wonderful way and it al-Khidr had visited in the form of high-growing man.

Al-Qābisī died on Rabīʿ ath-thānī 2, 403 (= October 21, 1012) in Kairouan and was buried in the cemetery at the Tunis Gate. His grave was greatly venerated by posterity and was often sought out for supplications. There was also the idea that whoever was buried near him would not have to endure questioning by Munkar and Nakīr . Because of this, the place around his grave was a very popular burial place.


Only three of his numerous works have survived:

  • al-Mulaḫḫaṣ li-mā fī l-Muwaṭṭaʾ min al-ḥadīṯ al-musnad ("The summary of the hadiths preserved with complete isnads in the Muwaṭṭaʾ by Mālik ibn Anas") Editing of the main work by Mālik ibn Anas , in which 520 hadiths are compiled, which Mālik traced back to the Prophet with a full isnad ( muttaṣal ). The work, which has a long preface, in which the basics of hadith science are treated, was particularly appreciated in al-Andalus and commented on several times.
  • Ar-Risāla al-mufaṣṣala li-aḥwāl al-mutaʿallimīn wa-aḥkām al-muʿallimīn wa-l-mutaʿallimīn , treatise on the rules of conduct for teachers and students. The work, in which al-Qābisī is very much based on the book Ādāb al-muʿallimīn ( The good manners of the teachers ) by Muhammad Ibn Sahnūn, is divided into three parts. In the first part, after dealing with the terms "Islam", "Faith" ( īmān ), " Doing good" ( iḥsān ) and sincerity ( istiqāma ), the advantages of the Koran and Koran teaching are treated. The second part deals with the teacher's remuneration, the teaching topics and teaching methods, the need for relaxation in the first phase of school education. The third part provides solutions to various problems that can arise in education and upbringing. For the individual questions, the respective norms are justified with the Koran , Sunna , the consensus of the people of Medina and sometimes with analogy . The work was edited in 1955 by Aḥmad Fuʾād al-Ahwānī under the title at-Tarbiya fī l-Islām ("Education in Islam") and later translated into French and excerpts also into English.
  • Al-Mumahhad fī l-fiqh , unfinished compendium on Islamic law.

In the work al-Mi'yār al-mu'rib of al-Wanscharīsī also include two have fatwas by al-Qābisī obtained an important source for the history of the Trans-Saharan trade between Ifriqiya and the Sudan zone in 10-11. Century represent.


Arabic sources
  • al-Qāḍī ʿIyāḍ b. Mūsā b. ʿIyāḍ al-Yaḥṣubī : Tartīb al-madārik wa-taqrīb al-masālik li-maʿrifat aʿlām maḏhab Mālik . Wizārat al-Auqāf, Rabat 1965–83. Vol. VII, pp. 92-100. Digitized
  • ʿAbd ar-Rahmān ad-Dabbāġ - Ibn Nāǧī: Maʿālim al-īmān fī maʿrifat ahl al-Qairawān . Ed. Muḥammad Māḍūr. 3 Vols. Al-Maktaba al-ʿAtīqa, Tunis, 1978. Vol. III, pp. 134-143. Digitized
Secondary literature
  • HR Idris: Art. "Al-Ḳābisī" in The Encyclopaedia of Islam. New Edition . Vol. IV, p. 341.
  • HR Idris: "Deux juristes kairouanais de l'epoque zīrīde": Ibn Abī Zayd et al-Qābisī "in Annales de l'Institut d'Études orientales de l'Université d'Alger 1954, pp. 173-198.
  • Aḥmad Khālid: Abū al-Ḥasan al-Qābisī: al-risālah al-mufaṣṣalah = Epitre détaillée sur les situations des éléves, leurs règles de conduite et celles des maîtres: l'éducation islamique populaire dans le système édâcatif d'al: pédagogue Tunisien du Xe Siècle. Aš-šarika at-tūnisiyya lit-tawzīʿ, Tunis, 1986.
  • Miklós Murányi : Contributions to the history of Ḥadīṯ and legal scholarship of the Mālikiyya in North Africa up to the 5th century. H .: bio-bibliographical notes from the mosque library of Qairawān . Harrassowitz, Wiesbaden, 1997. pp. 271-296.
  • Selahettin Parladır: Art. "Kābisî" in Türkiye Diyanet Vakfı İslâm ansiklopedisi Vol. XXIV, pp. 41b-42b. Digitized
  • Fuat Sezgin: History of Arabic Literature . Vol. 1. Brill, Leiden, 1967. pp. 482f.

Individual evidence

  1. Cf. Al-Qāḍī ʿIyāḍ: Tartīb al-madārik . Vol. VII, p. 99.
  2. Cf. Idris: Art. "Al-Ḳābisī" in EI² . Vol. IV, p. 341.
  3. Cf. ad-Dabbāġ - Ibn Nāǧī: Maʿālim al-īmān . 1986. Vol. III, pp. 140-142.
  4. Cf. ad-Dabbāġ - Ibn Nāǧī: Maʿālim al-īmān . 1986. Vol. III, pp. 142f.
  5. Cf. Muranyi: Contributions to the history of Ḥadīṯ and legal scholarship . 1997, pp. 271-276.
  6. See Parladır: "Kābisî" in Türkiye Diyanet Vakfı İslâm ansiklopedisi Vol. XXIV, p. 42a.
  7. See Parladır: "Kābisî" in Türkiye Diyanet Vakfı İslâm ansiklopedisi Vol. XXIV, pp. 41c-42a.
  8. In Khālid: Abū al-Ḥasan al-Qābisī . 1986.
  9. In Bradley J. Cook: Classical foundations of Islamic educational thought: a compendium of parallel English-Arabic texts . Brigham Young Univ. Press, Provo, Utah, 2010. pp. 38-75.
  10. See Michael Brett: "Islam and Trade in the Bilād al-Sūdān, Tenth-Eleventh Century AD" in The Journal of African History 24 (1983) pp. 431-440. PDF