Abdulkadir Selvi

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Abdulkadir Selvi (* 1964 in Sivas ) is a Turkish journalist, columnist and book author. He currently (2017) writes for the daily newspaper Hürriyet .


Selvi studied metallurgy at Gazi University in Ankara . He then worked as a reporter for the newspapers Yeni Nesil and Yeni Asya and as a capital correspondent for the (now discontinued) TV station HBB and in the same function for the station TGRT . In those years he accompanied top Turkish politicians at the time such as Turgut Özal , Süleyman Demirel and Bülent Ecevit ; So in the summer of 1984 he traveled with then Prime Minister Özal to Eruh and Şemdinli , where the PKK had just started its armed struggle. In 2001, Selvi came to the capital office of the daily Yeni Şafak ; in April 2016 he moved to Hürriyet .


With Yeni Şafak , Selvi made a name for himself with his knowledge of the Justice and Recovery Party (AKP) and the environment of Recep Tayyip Erdoğan . As such, Selvi is often quoted in foreign media. According to the world , he acts “more than anyone else as a mouthpiece for the government”, the Tagesspiegel certifies that he has “excellent contacts in the Turkish leadership”, and Die Zeit calls him “close to the government”. With his insider knowledge from government circles, he is often quoted by Turkish media critical of the government.

In April 2016, Selvi created a topic of conversation when he moved to Hürriyet in Turkey. Media critical of the government saw this transfer as a further sign that the Hürriyet publisher Aydın Doğan wanted to get closer to the government, while the aggressive AKP-affiliated daily Star and the Islamist Yeni Akit Selvi accused of having “sold” themselves.

Since joining Hürriyet , some of Selvis' columns have also appeared in English translation in the Hürriyet Daily News . In addition, he has since been regularly as a commentator on also for media group Doğan belonging station CNN Türk on. On the evening of the attempted coup on July 15, 2016 , he was sitting next to the presenter Hande Fırat in the studio when she spoke to President Erdoğan on Facetime . Following Fırat, Selvi also asked the president questions.


  • İşkence Koğuşlarından Siyaset Meydanlarına: Alperen , with Erhan Seven, 2009, (about Muhsin Yazıcıoğlu )
  • İçimizdeki Gladio ile yüzleşmek , 2010, (about the secret organization Gladio and the Deep State )
  • Ateşten Yıllar: Siyasette Said Nursi Tartışması , 2011 (on the political influence of Said Nursî )

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Biographical information at biyografi.info.
  2. ^ Abdulkadir Selvi: Veda , Yeni Şafak, March 31, 2016.
  3. Abdulkadir Selvi: PKK'nın yeni misyonunu Bayık açıkladı , Yeni Şafak, March 16, 2016.
  4. Deniz Yücel : The rapid dismantling of Ahmet Davutoglu , Die Welt, May 5, 2016
  5. Thomas Seibert: Binali Yildirim - Prime Minister by Erdogan's grace , Tagesspiegel, May 16, 2016.
  6. Özlem Topçu : Turkey is getting used to terror , Die Zeit, March 18, 2016.
  7. Abdulkadir Selvi'nin yazısındaki soru işaretleri: ulaştı AKP'liler, ağabeyi ulaşamadı Cumhuriyet, August 10, 2016th
  8. Abdulkadir Selvi: Kimdi bu Fuat Avni? , Diken, January 25, 2017.
  9. 'Usta işi' transfer: 'Kabataş korosu'nun gür sesi Abdülkadir Selvi Hürriyet'te Diken, April 3, 2016.
  10. Cem Küçük: Aydın Doğan ve köle gazetecileri , Star, April 7, 2016.
  11. Aydın Doğan, satınaldığı muhafazakâr gazetecileri kullanıyor , Yeni Akit, April 7, 2016.
  12. CNN Türk, journalists receive 'information and democracy' award , Hürriyet Daily News, December 8, 2016.