Achroomyces effusus

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Achroomyces effusus
Class : Agaricomycetes
Subclass : insecure position (incertae sedis)
Order : Ear lobe fungi (Auriculariales)
Family : Ear flap relatives (Auriculariaceae)
Genre : Achroomyces
Type : Achroomyces effusus
Scientific name
Achroomyces effusus
( J.Schröt. ) Mig.

Achroomyces effusus is a type of fungus of the Tremellomycetes from the family of the ear lobe relatives (Auriculariaceae). The fruiting bodies of holarctic common type are colorless to cream, gelatinous and resupinat . The fungus grows parasitically on the fruit layer of other tremellomycetes and bark fungi (Corticiaceae sensu lato ). Itmainly fructifies in autumn when the weather is cool and damp.


Macroscopic features

The fruiting body of Achroomyces effusus is initially pustular and 1 to 3 mm in diameter. Later the fruit bodies grow together, become resupinate, up to 5 cm long and reach a thickness of 1 to 1.5 mm. When fresh, their texture is waxy, slightly warty and gelatinous or tough gelatinous. They can be colorless or they can tend to be cream-colored and opal . Their edge is often weakly eyelashed, the hymenium is finely frosted.

Microscopic features

The hyphae of the species are thin-walled and usually have buckles . The basidia are cylindrical or curved, weakly stalked and two- to four-celled. The sterigmata are cylindrical or awl-shaped and up to 45 µm , in exceptional cases  90 µm long. The hyaline , broadly elliptical spores are 6–10 × 4–7 µm in size and form secondary spores. Conidiophores with conidia are present.


Achroomyces effusus is distributed holarctic and can be found in temperate to subboreal climates. Ocean to sub-ocean climates are preferred.


The species grows parasitically on the hymenium of various Tremellomycetes and other fungi, for example from the genera Hyphoderma , Hyphodontia or Peniophora . Due to its substrate, Achroomyces effusus can often be found on poplars ( Populus spp.) And oaks ( Quercus spp.), Usually on the branches or on old stumps. The fruiting bodies appear mainly in autumn, occasionally also in spring. The fungi probably only fructify during and after periods of rain, when the temperature is moderate.
