Adalbert Buchberger

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Adalbert Buchberger (born September 3, 1888 in Hart bei Straßgang , Styria , † December 3, 1962 in Graz ) was an Austrian civil engineer and member of parliament.


Buchberger studied civil engineering at the Graz University of Technology . At the University of Graz he devoted himself to law , philosophy and oriental studies . In 1909 he became active in the Corps Vandalia Graz. He worked in road construction , building construction and railway construction. He emphatically welcomed the Anschluss of Austria . From November 8, 1949 to March 18, 1953, he was a member of the National Council (Austria) for the Association of Independents . The three other Graz Corps Joannea (1952), Teutonia (1953) and Danubia (1956) awarded him the ribbon .

Posthumous poems

  • Styrian border region . 1988.
  • Rhymed thoughts . 1988.

See also

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. a b Kösener Corpslisten 1960, 51/66; 49/280; 50/223; 48/61
  2. a b Austrian Parliament
  3. ^ A. Buchberger: March 12, 1938 . Neue Freie Presse, No. 26404, March 16, 1938, p. 11.