Adalgisa Nery

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Adalgisa Nery, painted by her husband Ismael Nery

Adalgisa Nery , actually Adalgisa Maria Feliciana Noel Cancela Ferreira (born May 29, 1905 in Rio de Janeiro , † June 7, 1980 ibid) was a Brazilian writer , journalist , politician and muse. She is considered one of the most important Brazilian women writers of the 20th century.


Adalgisa Nery was born the daughter of a city official. When she was eight years old, she lost her mother. Until her youth she attended the Colegias das Freiras in Rio, where she met her future husband, the famous modernist painter Ismael Nery . Before that, she was the friend of the later famous poet Murilo Mendes , but she was hitched by Nery. At the age of 16, she married the painter in 1921. The marriage was problematic; the couple often fought incessantly and violence ensued. In addition, fate struck more than five times: The couple had a total of seven children, all boys, five of whom died in childhood or infancy, partly due to the situation in a poor artist household; only two of the sons survived. In 1934 her husband died of tuberculosis himself . After the death of her husband, she first had to earn money for the surviving sons. She met the journalist and press officer of the Estado Novo from dictator Getulio Vargas , Lourival Fontes . They married in 1940. The couple divorced in 1954. During their second marriage, she followed her husband, who later worked as a diplomat, as the Brazilian consul to New York from 1941 to 1943 . From 1943 to 1945 her husband acted as Brazilian ambassador to Mexico . There she met Frida Kahlo , who became a good friend. She was also friends with Kahlo's husband, Diego Rivera .

After the divorce she was able to work as a journalist from 1954 to 1966 for the newspaper "Ultima Hora", where she was responsible for the daily column "Retratos sem retoque". From 1962 to 1966 and from 1966 to 1969 she was elected as a member of parliament for the PSB (Partido Socialista Brasileira). After the military coup in 1969, like many other MPs, she was removed from office and fell into depression . She withdrew from the public, friends, family, and the literary scene. For several years she lived with the TV presenter Flávio Cavalcanti in Wilder marriage , before she also withdrew from him in 1976 and after a stroke was admitted to a retirement home, where she lived forgotten, lonely and impoverished until her death. She died on June 7, 1980 in Rio de Janeiro.

The writer Adalgisa Nery

Adalgisa worked as a poet, storyteller and novelist (Romancière). Her work includes longing love poetry as well as many women's topics. She was the muse of Candido Portinari , who painted her numerous, and of the poet Carlos Drummond de Andrade , who had composed a poem on her. She had published her first text in a student magazine in 1935, and her first book was published in 1937, a volume of poetry. It was only after her death that she became the well-known and recognized author she is today, as she has always been in the shadow of her three husbands (Ismael Nery, Lourival Fontes and Flavio Cavalcati). As a translator, she was able to translate the biography of George Sand into Brazilian Portuguese.

A biography first appeared in 1999 with the title Adalgisa Nery: muito amada e muito so .


  • Poemas , 1937, poetry.
  • A mulher ausente. Poemas. Olympio, Rio de Janeiro 1940. Poetry. Drawings by Candido Portinari .
  • Ar do deserto. Poemas. Olympio, Rio de Janeiro 1943. Poetry.
  • Above. Contos. Olympio, Rio de Janeiro 1943. Short stories.
  • Cantos de angústia. Poemas. Olympio, Rio de Janeiro / S. Paulo 1948. Poetry.
  • As fronteiras da quarta dimensão. Poesias. Olympio, Rio de Janeiro 1952. Poetry.
  • A imaginária. Olympio, Rio de Janeiro 1959. Novel.
  • Mundos Oscilantes. Poesia reunida. Olympio, Rio de Janeiro 1962. Collection of poetry.
  • Retrato sem retoque. ( Retratos do Brasil. 18). Ed. Civilização Brasileira, Rio de Janeiro 1963. Collection of newspaper articles.
  • 22 menos 1st ed. Expressão e Cultura, Rio de Janeiro 1972. Short stories.
  • Neblina. Romance. Olympio, Rio de Janeiro 1972. Short story.
  • Erosão. Poesia. Olympio, Rio de Janeiro 1973. Poetry.
  • O jardim das carícias. (Tradução do arabe) de Franz Toussaint . Tradução de Adalgisa Nery. Olympio, Rio de Janeiro 1938.
  • AJ Cronin : O romance do Dr. Harvey Leith. Tradução de Adalgisa Nery. Olympio, Rio de Janeiro 1940. (Original English title: Grand Canary. Newer editions: Encontro de amor. ).
  • Marie Jenney Howe : Em busca do amor. A vida de George Sand . Tradução de Adalgisa Nery. Olympio, Rio de Janeiro 1941. (Original English title: George Sand. ).
  • Bertita Harding : O trono do amazonas. A história dos Braganças do Brasil. Tradução de Adalgisa Nery. Olympio, Rio de Janeiro 1944. (Original English title: Amazon throne. The story of the Braganzas of Brazil. ).


Web links

  • Adalgisa Nery in the Enciclopédia Itaú Cultural (Portuguese)
  • Adalgisa Nery on the Jornal de Poesia website(Portuguese)
  • Adalgisa Nery on the Antonio Miranda websiteon poetry in Rio de Janeiro (Portuguese)

Individual evidence

  1. Review: Albert von Brunn: Adalgisa Nery: muito amada e muito só. In: Iberoamericana . Nueva época, Vol. 1, No., 2001, p. 251. ( JSTOR 41673877 ) Retrieved August 13, 2014.