Adolf Attenhofer

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Adolf Attenhofer (born May 14, 1879 in Zurich ; † December 24, 1950 in Chur , Catholic , resident in Zurzach ) was a Swiss writer and Indologist .


Adolf Attenhofer was born on May 14, 1879 as the son of the baker Johann Chrysostomus Adolf Attenhofer in Zurich. Attenhofer, who initially trained as a primary school teacher, then studied the history of religion and the oriental languages in Zurich , Geneva , Paris , Berlin and Munich .

Having lived in Chur since 1920, he founded the Bündner Volkshochschule in 1924 and taught German, Latin and Hebrew at the canton school between 1929 and 1944 . Adolf Attenhoferstrasse, the 1923 Catarina Zappa, the daughter of the businessman from Zernez Antoni Lüzzi, married, died on 24 December 1950 at the age of 71 years in Chur.


Adolf Attenhofer made a name for himself as the author of several collections of poetry and textbooks that lay people can understand.

Works (selection)

  • Ego ipsissimus. Poems. Dresden 1904.
  • All kinds of follies. Munich-Schwabing 1907.
  • Ephemeris. Aarau 1910.
  • Last Folly, 1923
  • Conclusion, 1939
  • What is philosophy actually? , J & S Federmann Verlag, Munich 1949


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