Adolf Höninghaus

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Adolf Höninghaus , also Adolph Hoeninghaus (* 1811 in Krefeld , Département de la Roer , French Empire , † September 30, 1882 ibid), was a German architecture and landscape painter from the Düsseldorf School .


Höninghaus was born as the son of the Krefeld merchant and natural scientist Friedrich Wilhelm Hoeninghaus (1770-1854). His company Hoeninghaus & Co., founded in 1796 (from 1802 and 1804 Hoeninghaus & de Greiff ), was the third largest publisher in Krefeld in 1816 . His brother was the politician Friedrich Wilhelm Hoeninghaus . From 1829 to 1836 Höninghaus attended the Düsseldorf Art Academy , where he initially pursued architectural studies. In the school year 1832/1833 he was a student in Johann Wilhelm Schirmer's landscape class there . From 1843 to 1848 he undertook a grand tour to Italy, in 1844 he lived in Rome and visited Olevano Romano , then he settled in Düsseldorf , and in 1853 in Dresden . In addition to architectural motifs, he painted landscapes, often wooded river landscapes. His interest in natural science, which he had probably gotten from his father who was interested in mineralogy, allowed him to depict rock layers with a meticulousness reminiscent of Carl Friedrich Lessing . Höninghaus developed an intimate and friendly relationship with his teacher Schirmer, with whom he went on study trips to the Ahr and the Eifel.

A pencil sketch with a portrait of Höninghaus comes from the painter Joseph Anton Settegast and depicts him in a drawing pose in Mittenwald in August 1838 .

Works (selection)

North view of Horst Castle before 1828 , 1842
  • Landscape (mountain valley with two hunters) , 1836, Museum Kunstpalast
  • North view of Horst Castle before 1828 , 1842
  • In the park of Villa Borghese , 1851
  • Dancing people in the park of Villa Borghese , around 1851
  • Linner Synagogue , drawing, 1866
  • Dark clouds over Monte Serrone
  • View of the Hernikerberge
  • Domitian's villa in Albano
  • The Rhine with the Siebengebirge
  • On the Ruhr
  • Sicilian landscape , Kulturhistorisches Museum Magdeburg , loss
  • View of Terracina
  • View of St. Peters Church with the Vatican in Rome
  • Self-portrait , art museums Krefeld
  • around 450 plein air oil sketches, Krefeld art museums


  • Höninghaus, Adolf . In: Hermann Alexander Müller : Biographical Artist Lexicon. Verlag des Bibliographisches Institut, Leipzig 1882, p. 265 ( digitized version ).
  • Thieme-Becker . Volume XVII, 1924.
  • M. Creutz: Adolf Höninghaus. In: Wallraf-Richartz-Jahrbuch. Volume II, 1925, p. 162.
  • Günter Schwabe: Adolph Hoeninghaus (1810–1882). A Rhenish landscape painter from the Düsseldorf School. In: Rheinische Heimatpflege . Vol. 20, 1983, pp. 118-119.

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Peter Kriedtke: Baptism-minded and large capital. The Lower Rhine-Bergisch Mennonites and the rise of the Krefeld silk trade . Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht, Göttingen 2007, ISBN 978-3-525-35801-6 , p. 390 ( Google Books ).
  2. Winckelmann Society (ed.): Italy in Prussia, Prussia in Italy: a colloquium of the Winckelmann Society, the European Enlightenment Research Center and the Philosophical Faculty of the University of Potsdam from October 25 to 27, 2002 . Writings of the Winckelmann Society, Volume 25, 2006, ISBN 978-3-91006-069-2 , p. 150.
  3. ^ Wend von Kalnein (ed.): The Düsseldorf school of painting . Verlag Philipp von Zabern, Mainz 1979, ISBN 3-8053-0409-9 , p. 341.
  4. ^ Rudolf Theilmann : The student lists of the landscape classes from Schirmer to Dücker . In: Wend von Kalnein (Ed.), P. 145.
  5. ^ Rudolf Theilmann: Schirmer and the Düsseldorf landscape painting . In: Wend von Kalnein (ed.), P. 137.
  6. ^ Jutta Assel: Joseph Anton Nikolaus Settegast's Italian journey . P. 11 (Catalog No. 29), digitized version (June 2007) .
  7. Mountain valley with two hunters ( memento from September 23, 2015 in the Internet Archive ), website in the portal (Federal Office for Central Services and Unresolved Property Issues ), accessed on September 6, 2015.
  8. Stadtarchiv Krefeld (ed.): Krefelder Studies . Volume 2, Krefeld 1980, ISBN 978-3-79280-433-9 , p. 46 (Fig. 5).
  9. ^ Winckelmann Society (ed.), P. 150.
  10. ^ Winckelmann Society (ed.), P. 150.
  11. ^ Katharina Bott: The Schadow album of the Düsseldorf academy students from 1851 . CoCon-Verlag, Hanau 2009, ISBN 978-3-93777-459-6 , pp. 150, 174.
  12. No. 341–350 , website in the portal .
  13. Self-portrait Adolf Hoeninghaus (Photo 1946) , the portal website , accessed on September 6, 2015.
  14. Agnes Absalon: New Series: Highlights of the Collection - An artist with the heart of a scientist . Article from July 27, 2012 in the portal , accessed on September 6, 2015.
  15. Christoph Elles: Museum rediscovers almost forgotten painter . Article from June 11, 2013 in the portal , accessed on September 6, 2015.