Friedrich Wilhelm Hoeninghaus (politician)

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Friedrich Wilhelm Hoeninghaus (born March 20, 1809 in Krefeld , † December 18, 1878 there ) was a German politician .


Höninghaus was born as the son of the Krefeld silk and velvet manufacturer Friedrich Wilhelm Hoeninghaus (1771-1854). His company Hoeninghaus & Co., founded in 1796 (from 1802 and 1804 Hoeninghaus & de Greiff ), was the third largest publisher in Krefeld in 1816 . His brother was the architecture and landscape painter Adolf Höninghaus .

Friedrich Wilhelm Hoeninghaus attended the Progymnasium in Moers and the Royal High School in Düsseldorf and then went to Bonn , Munich and Berlin to study law . During his studies he became a member of the old Bonn fraternity in 1829 . As a representative of the Munich fraternity, he took part in the boys' day in Dresden in 1831 . He finished his studies in 1832 with the auscultation exam in Berlin. From 1833 he worked at the Düsseldorf Regional Court before he was arrested as a demagogue in 1834 , brought to the Berlin bailiwick and then moved to Magdeburg Fortress in 1835 . He sat there for three years in custody before to six years imprisonment was condemned. He was imprisoned with Fritz Reuter and Peter Haßlacher . After his pardon he went to Krefeld and was appointed royal notary in 1848 . For the city he was a member of the pre-parliament . He also worked as a city ​​councilor in Krefeld.


  • Helge Dvorak: Biographical Lexicon of the German Burschenschaft. Volume I: Politicians. Sub-Volume 2: F-H. Winter, Heidelberg 1999, ISBN 3-8253-0809-X , pp. 354-355.

Individual evidence

  1. Peter Kriedtke: Baptism-minded and large capital. The Lower Rhine-Bergisch Mennonites and the rise of the Krefeld silk trade . Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht, Göttingen 2007, ISBN 978-3-525-35801-6 , p. 390 ( Google Books )