Adolph Nikolaus von Düring

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Adolph Nikolaus von Düring (born March 1, 1820 in Moorburg , † December 6, 1882 in Hamburg ) was a German doctor .


Adolph Nikolaus von Düring was the son of Karl Ulrich Christian Hartwig von Düring and Anna Katharina, née Bauer. He attended the Progymnasium in Harburg for one year and went to the Gymnasium in Stade for six years . Düring studied medicine and surgery in Kiel , Göttingen and Halle . He was awarded a Dr. med. doctorate and settled in Hamburg as a doctor in 1850.

Düring was a member of the Hamburg Parliament from 1859 to 1871 .


He first married Johanne Henriette Karoline Baumbach († 1855). The couple had several children:

  • Ernst Adolf Hermann (born March 28, 1852), Dr med (emigrated to New York) ⚭ 1885 Luise Franke († 1891)
  • Karl Max Gustav (born March 28, 1852), merchant and royal Dutch consul general ⚭ 1885 Emma Ulrika Johanna Stürcke (born July 26, 1866)

On July 25, 1857, Melanie married Amalie , née Sthamer (* June 2, 1834, † August 28, 1892). The couple had several children:

⚭ 1883 (divorce 1891) Lilli von Hackmann
⚭ 1892 Johanne von Wedel (* July 21, 1860; † February 28, 1928)
  • Karl Wilhelm Adolf Ferdinand (* May 18, 1860), Captain ⚭ 1889 Emma von Düring (* October 22, 1868 - † February 5, 1891)
  • Karl Heinrich Friedrich Otto (born September 14, 1861) ⚭ 1894 Klara Ida Adolphine Seebohm (born March 19, 1870)
  • Johanna (born November 25, 1879)


  • Hans Schröder: Lexicon of the Hamburg writers up to the present . tape 2 . Perthes-Besser u. Mauke, Hamburg 1854, p. 82 f . ( online ).
  • Wilhelm Heyden: The members of the Hamburg citizenship 1859–1862 . Festschrift for December 6, 1909. Herold in Komm., Hamburg 1909, p. 31 .
  • Gothaisches genealogical pocket book of noble houses 1901. Second year. P.267

Individual evidence

  1. F. Georg Bueck: The Hamburg upper elders, their civil activity and their families . Perthes-Besser & Mauke, Hamburg 1857, p. 497 ( online ).