Agostinho Willy Kist

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Agostinho Willy Kist SJ (born December 10, 1925 in Santa Cruz do Sul , † February 28, 2002 in Diamantino ) was a Brazilian religious and Roman bishop of Diamantino .


Agostinho Willy Kist joined the Congregation of the Jesuits in and received on 16 December 1956, the sacrament of Holy Orders .

On November 15, 1982 Pope John Paul II appointed him Bishop of Diamantino. The bishop of Santa Cruz do Sul , Alberto Frederico Etges , donated him episcopal ordination on February 11, 1983 ; Co- consecrators were the Bishop of Sinop , Henrique Froehlich SJ, and the emeritus prelate of Diamantino, Alonso Silveira de Mello SJ.

On August 26, 1998, John Paul II accepted Agostinho Willy Kist's resignation due to reasons of age.

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predecessor Office successor
Henrique Froehlich SJ Bishop of Diamantino
Canísio Klaus